I am stuck with a globally installed addon which is preventing multi-process firefox to work. I have already tried the below without any success:
1). Find and delete folder from extension directory.
2). Refresh firefox.
3). Find the app in Windows Uninstall Applet.
4). Search registry location for firefox global addon (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Mozilla\Firefox\Extensions
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mozilla\Firefox\Extensions) and even a full-text search for the addon text.
Might be easier to refresh firefox but be aware of what else will be removed:
Extensions and themes, website permissions, modified preferences, added search engines, DOM storage, security certificate and device settings, download actions, plugin settings, toolbar customizations, user styles and social features will be removed.
Already tried refresh firefox as mentioned in the initial post, I just checked and it seems after the restart multi-process ff is working but the addon entry is still there