Today, contributions rely on an integration between AMO and Paypal, which requires frequent maintenance and has broken multiple times in the last few years. We want to remove this integration, and give developers the ability to enter a contributions URL of their choosing. The Contributions button on listing pages would then open a new tab with that URL, rather than open a Paypal popup.
For security reasons, the contributions URL will be restricted to a predetermined set of payment processors. Paypal and Patreon are the obvious initial choices, but we want to hear from you about other payment services you would like to use. Please add your suggestions to this forum thread.
What about Payoneer ( )?
Still it would be desirable, that the user could choose from offered variants, through what system to him it would be more convenient to make the contribution for the author
Adblock Plus is currently using two payment providers on the website. One is PayPal, the other is MicroPayment (example URL). If we cannot link to our website, it would be great if multiple payment providers could be defined.
a payment processor that accepts bitcoin and/or other cryptocurrency
To reiterate this, even being able to display a bitcoin/ethereum/litecoin/etc wallet address is desired. One of the benefits of cyrptocurrency is that there is no middle-man needed, no payment processor is required. Just the addon author’s wallet address.
Well, since we’re implementing a domain whitelist, we’ll need some sort of intermediary. Presumably there are frequently-used cryptocurrency sites we can add.
Manage Your Developer Profile
This page will soon be removed in favor of the Contributions URL field in the main Edit page. Make sure to use that field to keep Contributions enabled.
Do you really want to delete this page?
Maybe you do not need to delete this page and its URL-address?
And the donation button should be displayed on this page only if the author specified a Donation-URL?
The Developer Profile page is very useful in that you can contact your users in several languages!
Please do not delete the Developer Profile page.
In case it isn’t clear, this is referring to the Developer Profile page that is tied to contributions (for example this one) and not the user profile page (for example this one).
It wasn’t intended to be a point of contact, but as a way for developers to explain why they wanted/needed contributions. We’re removing it as part of making this feature (and AMO in general) simpler and easier to manage.
I understood you right, thank you
but how will the donation system look now?
earlier Mozilla uses her own algorithms to select a language and display messages in the user’s native language, but now the author himself must take care that users understand the author?
it seems to me that you decided to simplify everything too much.
I think that the donation page should be left as it is, but the button is bound to the Contributions URL field from the main Edit page
it would be logical and convenient
The Contribute button opens the URL in a new tab. That’s pretty much it. The summary and description on your listing are still editable and localizable, so you can use them to send any message to your users.
No doubt some functionality is lost, but it’s being done for the sake of making AMO easier to work with and use.
I looked in to Payoneer and couldn’t find a way to set up a URL to receive payments from people. If someone has any information about it, please post it here or send it my way.
I’ll add MicroPayment to the allowed list.
As for supporting multiple payment services, that’s a good idea, but it won’t make it on the first iteration. The old front end, the plans for the new one, and the Add-ons Manager are all designed to have only one option. If there are enough requests for multiple payment providers, we’ll consider a more flexible UX for this as a followup.
We’re sending another mass email soon, letting developers know the new contributions field is available. After that, we’ll give you a few weeks to start using it before we switch over to the new system. So, I’m thinking 5-6 weeks from now.
You’re receiving this message because you’re an add-on developer registered on AMO ( and you have Contributions enabled on one of your add-on listings. This is a followup from the previous message we sent you about this topic.
I never got the previous email, can I read it somewhere online?