(Michael Kohler)
March 26, 2022, 4:43pm
Hi Reps!
As every half a year, we will have Reps Council Elections again soon! Here are the important milestones:
2022-03-28: Call for nominations starts
2022-04-04: Call for nominations closes
2022-04-12: Deadline for Q&A responses on Discourse
2022-04-13: Voting starts
2022-04-22: Voting closes
As you can see the voting period falls into the Easter public holidays in some regions of this world. Therefore the voting period will be a bit longer than the usual 7 days.
You can find the full timeline in the following GitHub issue:
opened 05:42PM - 24 Mar 22 UTC
closed 06:03PM - 12 Jan 23 UTC
In Progress
## Goal:
Hold the Council elections in order to occupy the spots that are free … after the term of one year is ending for:
🎓 Tim
🎓 Luis
🎓 Hossain
We have 3 open spots.
## Success:
The elections take place and we have on-boarded 3 new Council members
## Related Issues & Links:
- Previous Elections: #15, #114, #208, #284, #327, #366, #389, #400, #417, #426, #433
## Roles:
Owner: @ioana-chiorean
Involved: @couci, @Francescaminelli, Reps Peers
Supporting: Reps Council
Informed: Reps
## Required:
(format of the dates is DD.MM.YYYY)
### Nominees
- [x] 25.03.2022 - Timeline announcement (@MichaelKohler)
- [x] 30.03.2022 - Call for Nominees starts (1 week) (@ioana-chiorean) #435
- [x] mail list
- [x] post telegram
- [x] post matrix
- [x] 06.04.2022 - Call for Nominees closes (@ioana-chiorean)
- [x] 07.04.2022 - [Q&A starts on Discourse]() (1 week) (@ioana-chiorean)
- [x] mail nominees
- [x] 14.04.2022 - Deadline for answers in Discourse Q&A (@ioana-chiorean)
### Voting
- [x] 15.04.2022 - Voting starts (@ioana-chiorean)
- [x] 24.04.2022 - Voting closes (@ioana-chiorean) - more than 1 week due to public holidays in some regions
- [x] 25.04.2022 - Voting Analysis is published (@MichaelKohler)
- [x] 25.04.2022 - Wiki Pages are updated (@MichaelKohler)
### Onboarding
- [x] 25.04.2022 - Onboarding begins (@couci)
- [x] 02.05.2022 - New Council members have write access to GitHub Reps repo (@MichaelKohler)
- [x] 02.05.2022 - New Council members are in the reps_leadership p.m.o group (@couci)
- [x] 02.05.2022 - New Council members are in the Matrix channel (@couci)
- [x] 02.05.2022 - New Council members are in the reps-council Google Group to have access for documents (@couci)
- [x] 02.05.2022 - New Council members have access to Slack (@Francescaminelli)
- [x] 09.05.2022 - Onboarding is done and new Council is operational - new council members have confirmed they all have access to everything (@couci)
- [ ] 16.05.2022 - Outgoing Council members are removed from Matrix channel (@couci)
- [ ] 16.05.2022 - Outgoing Council members are removed from reps_leadership group (@couci)
- [ ] 16.05.2022 - Outgoing Council members are removed from reps-council Google group (@couci)
- [x] 16.05.2022 - Community Portal is updated with new Council members in Council group (@couci)
- [ ] 16.05.2022 - Blog announcement for new members + outgoing members is published (@couci)
- [x] 16.05.2022 - Mozilla Leadership Page is updated (@MichaelKohler)
- [ ] 16.05.2022 - Announce Election results in #moco together with leadership page link (@couci)
## Updates required
- [x] Create [20th entry](
Looking forward to your nominations once @Ioana puts up the Call for Nominees on Monday!
On behalf of the Reps module owner and the Reps Peers
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