I really like the Kuma platform and want to build my own site using Kuma. I want to use it for sharing just like MDN site. And I also want to put some ads on that site. Is it legal?
I really like the Kuma platform and want to build my own site using Kuma. I want to use it for sharing just like MDN site. And I also want to put some ads on that site. Is it legal?
Kuma is licensed under MPL 2.0, which allows commercial use: https://github.com/mozilla/kuma/blob/master/LICENSE
MDN content is more complex. Most content is Creative Commons, CC BY-SA 2.5:
There are exceptions. For example, the code samples changed licenses at one point. See our About page for details:
And as always, if it’s important, consult an attorney.
On a different note: if you do use Kuma, please do consider contributing back any worthwhile improvements you make.
Thanks @sheppy
Of course I will