Use Raspberry Pi Zero+ Wifi

Is it possible to use a Raspberry Pi Zero+ with Wifi as the gateway instead of a 3/4? They’re significantly cheaper and it appears you don’t ever need to access the Pi itself to use the gateway.

Yes, you can use the Zero W. It will just be slower.

It works for me also with Pi Zero+.
Remember to by HDMI mini adapter if you would like to do some debugging on your monitor without ssh to the Pi.

hello guys,
did anyone get the webthings install on PI Zero? or even better can anyone share a docker image?
i’m unable to install it, i have tried many things and things just keep failing…

Here is my docker start used on my PI 2B+.

This page should come in handy…

EdbergFS is a USB dongle mounted by /etc/fstab where IOT resides.

> # ------------------------------------------------------------------
> #  --privileged is not required when --device /dev/ttyACM0:xxx is provided
> #  Cannot  share volume in /etc/localtime since that is a symlink.
> #  -v /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Chicago:/etc/localtime:ro \
> #  Only really need to specify -e TZ=xxx or -v /etc/timezone:xxx.  Either correctly sets TZ.
> # ------------------------------------------------------------------
> docker rm mozilla-iot-gateway
> docker run -d --restart always --net=host \
>         -e TZ=America/Chicago \
>         --device /dev/ttyACM0:/dev/ttyACM0 \
>         --log-opt max-size=1m \
>         --log-opt max-file=5 \
>         -v /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro \
>         -v /mnt/EdbergFS/mozilla-iot:/home/node/.mozilla-iot \
>         --name mozilla-iot-gateway mozillaiot/gateway:latest

Thank you but that won’t work on Pi Zero as it is an Armv6 architecture and your pi2 B+ is Armv7… hence why i’m asking for instruction on how to build an image for armv6. since the provided Dockerfile in that image is not compatible with Alpine that runs in pi Zero

Oops, my bad. Forgot about architecture differences…

The url below is the GITHUB repository for the gateway. I was able to follow the instructions, build it, and load the docker image on my rpi 2B+ as a test.

You could try to follow these instructions too. I don’t know if there are armv6 architecture or dependency issues following these instructions.

does anyone know how to get this resolved please… i keep reading that it’s doable but can’t find any info in this regards…

thanks guys…

The gateway code can be run as a standard node app – see this repo – .

First – install a supported version of node – I think 10 works on the pi zero.

Then clone the above repo and run npm install.

npm install will run for a very long time on the zero.

Also --my understanding is the image – Download 0.12 – will run on pizero – did you try to run that?

If it has to be docker then you will likely have to study options one and two figure out your own implementation.