Using tags for add-on support topics

If you’re a developer providing add-on support in this forum, this may interest you. We now have a way to add tags to posts, which is a handy way to track multiple threads on one topic. This way you don’t need to have a single large discussion thread for your add-on, and use a tag instead.

How it works:

  1. Ask on this thread to have your add-on tag created.
  2. Once it’s created, tell your users to file new support requests using this URL:
  3. Look for support topics for your add-on on this URL:

Let me know if you have any questions about this system.


I see no way to subscribe to arbitrary tag using RSS or any other way rather than just periodically open webpage.

Sounds like a feature request to Discourse.

Hi @m_khvoinitsky,

not sure I fully understand your request. In many cases you can add .rss to a Discourse URL to get a RSS feed.


Best regards,

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I see. It seems that I’ve looked at some wrong URL. My bad.