Visited Links Color

Is there a way to alter a visited links color without messing other things up? I tried in settings, but was not successful

I often find that, given a link’s background color that does not provide a contrast, the link itself becomes, for all intents and purposes, imperceptible.

Do you use a userContent.css file?
If yes you could consider using such a rule:

a:visited {
  color: #4b2f89;

I tried it in userContent.css & userchrome.css, but it had no effect.

OK, so it means that you already opened your profile, verified you had a chrome sub-directory in it, and in that sub-directory the mentioned text files.
Many things that I do no more need to explain you.
But do you remember that for a certain number of months (years ?), those files are inactive by default?
Please have a look at the second section of this page :

After that, you remember that userChrome.css is for the components of your Firefox window, and userContent.css is for the web pages that are displayed in it, so in this case it should be userContent.css, even though I did not test it.

Naturally, once everything is in place, do not forget to restart Firefox.

Hum, you know what, I made a test, it does not seem brilliant.
The example given in the web programming documentation, with “:visited” at the end of the link URL, is displayed in a different color.
But, clicking on a link to a normal web page does not change the color. At least, not the one I put in my previous answer.
A link to the Javascript documentation did change color when visiting it. But not the one to
Oh, but the web page where I called the Javascript documentation from was recorded on my local disk.

The documentation has been applied, but it seems some trick still has to be found.

Got a part of it : my answer here is formatted by the stylesheet applied to, base.scss line 41, so in this case you have to evaluate the conflict rules to know what style is applied. And for that, not forget that scss means compiled stylesheet …
Hum, I wanted to do a test on what you had under your eyes, and … I am afraid I complicated the topic by doing that.
Did you manage to do what you wanted ?

Thanks for trying. You offered valuable info for users wishing to customize Firefox for their needs.

Just as an aside, I use the xlnt Custom CSS tweaks for Firefox

Aris-t2/CustomCSSforFx: Custom CSS tweaks for Firefox.

If that is the case, these types of alterations will applied to “my_userContent.css”