I’m working on a Mac running macOS Monterey 12.3.1.
The reason for the post is because I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out how to insert links to files from folders in Visual Studio Code?
Sometimes, a little menu comes up that allows me to select a file, enabling me to link to a file (with the proper underline style). Sometimes, it won’t come up. If a I’m using the “src” attribute, sometimes the folder menu comes up after I type a double-quote. Sometimes, it won’t. If I’m using the “srcset” or “sizes” attribute, it never shows up.
When I copy the “relative path” to the file from the Explorer pane, it doesn’t become a link
Do you see at line #10 there’s a little drop-down menu?
Sometimes that menu is displayed, sometimes it isn’t.
When it’s displayed, and I choose the relevant file path, the file path looks like a hyperlink: blue, underlined, and if you hover the mouse over it, VS Code asks you if you’d like to follow the link.
When the menu isn’t displayed, the file path doesn’t look like a hyperlink. The file path looks like it would in a directory.
I’m trying to figure out why this is.
Perhaps I’m wasting my time with VS Code? Do you have any suggestions/opinions on what the best text editor is? Could you point me in the direction of where I could find out?
i just installed vscode on linux and here what i notice
if i write an atterbuite that accept url/path like href/src
when type sr for example a menu show up so i select the correct atterbuite once i choose src it will write src=“” and courser move between the quote but the drop menu does not show up but if i deleted those “” then type it again it will show the drop menu
for me the attribute value always looks like link and once hover over it it show the follow link
vscode is very good editor with tons of extension that help but i use an IDE called IntelliJ IDEA cause i use it for java (not javascript) and it also can handle html and css and js so i use one ide for all (the use the beta version of the utlimate edition cause it free for beta)
I’ve also found a website called, “The Linux Documentation Project”, where they have several guides/books. One, for beginners, called, “Introduction to Linux”, I’ve found very good.
For future reference, what may be happening is that you’re not reaching the directory you want because of the directory you’re in at the time.
Try these commands: to go up in the directory tree, use periods --> “.” --> this will go up one level in the directory tree (I don’t why typing two periods in the editor outputs three periods, and typing one period outputs one period, but, anyway); to go down in the directory tree, use forward slashes --> “/” --> this will go down one level in the directory tree
So, the command “…/index.html” will go up one level in the directory tree, then down one level, into the directory where index.html resides.
Congratulations on figuring this issue out! It only took six months! LOL!!!