Waited 1.5 months in the queue, next version out now, got back into the queue

Waited 1.5 months in the queue (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/easy-youtube-video-download/), now migrated to web-extension, next version out now, got back into the queue :frowning:

Feb 8, 2017, Information was requested from you about the Pro version.
No reply received.

Apr 5, 2017 Issues listed on the previous reviews are still outstanding.

Apr 11, 2017 Issues listed on the previous reviews are still outstanding.

You need to fix the issues before submitting new uploads or make your addon unlisted if you wish.

I replied:

My addon listing Mozilla accounts got disabled citing that downloading videos using it needs payment, Which is not correct, all formats 3gp, flv, 480p mp4 and 720p mp4 are free for all, only 1080p and mp3 requires a one-time donation (Easy Youtube Video Downloader PRO Activation page...) of “users-choice” to cover the recurring monthly server and bandwidth charges as Youtube is no longer providing direct download links for these formats. New donations allows me to keep paying for server bills and offer services to thousands of users including the ones who already donated. Look at the reviews and you can see 99% of users are satisfied.

After this reply, the listing was enabled, after that I never received any communication regarding this. Pls. see attached screenshot.

At the moment, the addon description states:

Only one with 1080p Full-HD and 256kbps MP3
The #1 rated “Youtube Video Downloader” with 1080p Full-HD and 256Kbps MP3 download capability

It also states:

PRO UPGRADE : Since Youtube no longer provides direct download links for 1080p and MP3 qualities these two qualities require server infrastructure for processing, therefore user needs to Pay and Upgrade here >>>, you have the choice to pay whatever you want for this one-time upgrade which helps me keep this service alive for all users.

The primary function of the addon does not appear to be free.

The primary function of the addon is to download videos, only two format require one-time, “pay what you want” upgrade.

As per last editors recommendation I have added the PRO Upgrade notice in the listing. If you want I can:

A). Remove the “Only one with 1080p Full-HD and 256kbps MP3” line and make it something like “Top rated ‘Youtube Video Downloader’ offers instant, one-click, superfast easy video download links in FLV, 3GP, MP3 (256Kbps and 128Kbps), 480p MP4, 720p HD and Full-HD qualities on Youtube pages. NOTE: 1080p and MP3 requires paid upgrade for amount of your choice.”

B). Change the description to “Top rated ‘Youtube Video Downloader’ offers instant, one-click, superfast easy video download links in multiple formats and qualities.”

Pls. suggest

Also, note that I am more then happy to offer all formats for free and this addon has done that for years but changes at Youtube forced me to adopt this model (Pls. see - https://youtube-downloader.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/269295-missing-1080p-)

I even tried recovering infrastructure cost with ad-supported free downloads on all formats, but youtube started rate-limiting and banning my server-ip’s as the number of users hitting the free service was too much.