I’ve read through DeepSpeech’s docs and I am still struggling with how to fine-tune the pre-trained models. I am mostly confused on how to create the necessary train.csv, dev.csv, and test.csv files. I do not have a proper computing environment to create them via importing CommonVoice and I cannot find an example of them online. If someone could give me an example of each or point me in the right direction that would be great!
You can see the fileformat by looking at the bin/ldc93s1.sh
importer / exampel
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Thank you for reaching out , but I am still a little bit confused. I’ve tried running the files associated with ldc93s1 since there is not an actual “bin/ldc93s1.sh” in the current DeepSpeech github repo and I still cannopt find an example of the csv files. If you could give me a series of commands to execute that would be extremely helpful!