I attended the meeting on 2015-05-27 and I’d like to contribute to some project[s], I love Mozilla’s work and I have a bit of experience doing operations, I contributed to Adblock Plus where I learnt Puppet, I also know a bit of python, golang, ansible, docker, I usually write scripts on shell and python, I use vagrant to do my local work and while in ABP I created a wrapper on shell to virtualize windows environments with VirtualBox, so I know some stuff about virtualization.
Said that, I’m not a kung fu master or ninja or magician or whatever is called this days but I’d like to have fun hacking around and helping the awesome work you’re doing as community.
You’d definitely be able to help us out with automating Discourse upgrades, which requires some puppet and python and a little bit of docker knowledge. How does that sound?
Sounds like a plan, can you guide me in the firsts steps to get everything up and running or point me to where I can find more information in order to do that?