We have updated the Interests, Activities and Functional Areas on the report system in the reps portal

Hello Amazing Reps,

Based on the feedback that had we received on the Github issue 270, we decided to update the functional areas and the list of activities that Reps are doing. As you can see we have tried to simplify the reporting system, by simplifying and generalizing the functional areas based on the work of Mission Driven Mozillians. You can see the full list and changes here.

If you’re curious to understand under which general functional area the previous areas fall under, check the section of the document with the title: “Which contribution area does your activity support?”

Apologies for the delay in updating this list, It took us time to differentiate and brainstorm different activities based upon functional areas. Also ongoing discussions with the Open Innovation team took time.

If you have any questions? Let us know.


Thank you so much for including Mozilla Onboarding Reps and Test Pilot Install as initiatives and Joined a Firefox Testday and Translate on Pontoon as activities in the Reps Portal, I greatly appreciate it!!!

These are the areas where I usually contribute to as a Functional Doer, so
adding my reports will be much easier and straightforward now!


With these new headings, do we make backwards compatibility for the dashboard? if so, can we go back to April 1st?



In the report system is possible to report backward stuff so you can do it :slight_smile: