I have a bookmark on my bookmarks toolbar that appears as an icon only. I can’t edit it or delete it through the UI. To try to diagnose the problem, I created a simple webextension that dumps the bookmarks tree to the console using the bookmarks API. However, this bookmark doesn’t show up in the list. Clearly, there’s a deeper problem going on, but the bookmarks API seems to be papering over it. Has anyone seen this before?
Update: tested exporting bookmarks to json and html from the bookmark manager and this bookmark also doesn’t show up there. Looks like it might be a deeper problem.
Do not destroy/refresh the profile since the devs might be interested in it. You can create a new profile in about:profiles and use that if you want to nuke and start over.
If you feel like hacking and figuring out and fixing the problem, then you can find the profile directory you are using in about:support. It should have a sqllite db called places that should contain bookmarks and history. You can connect to it and see how it is stored.