Hi guys, I’m developing FF-addon using latest WebExtension techniques. I got it almost done and it worked good enough in FireFox Nightlies, but after couple of tries to start it in FF Stable 42, I found that I was getting the next error on widget start:
ReferenceError: state is not defined, in resource://gre/modules/ExtensionContent.jsm 331:42.
As I can see from sources of the specified file - the error appears in DocumentManager’s executeScript - method, on the following lines:
// TODO: Somehow make sure we have the right permissions for this origin!
// FIXME: Need to keep this around so that I will execute it later if we’re not in the right state.
context.execute(script, scheduled => scheduled == state);
Does anybody know what is the root cause for this issue and if it’s located somewhere in my code or not?
I would appreciate any suggestions or guesses, thank you in advance.