WebExtension: jsonToDOM DOM builder code browser compatibility

Hello everyone!
I’m in the process of restructuring code in my add-on which failed review because of my liberal use of innerHTML = …

I’m using the jsonToDOM code found on THIS page. It is working well as expected. Building DOM trees is not my issue. Since this is a WebExtension, I use the same code (content script) in my Chrome version.

Testing with Chrome and Opera, both browsers reported the same error:
Uncaught TypeError: Array.slice is not a function

Error points to this line in the jsonToDOM code:
var childElems = Array.slice(arguments, 2);

I then added THIS shim code to hopefully “fix” array prototype, but this resulted in the same error reported (and pointing to the same line of code) in Chrome/Opera.

I realize this is a mozilla forum, but I am curious as to why Chrome/Opera will not run the jsonToDOM code? So, in the spirit of developing crossbrowser code and for general knowledge, I am asking this question. If this is not proper, I will delete without hesitation if requested.
Thank you.

The code you linked to uses Array generic methods, which only exist only in Firefox (and are deprecated).

you have to replace stuff like Array.<method>(...) with Array.prototype.<method>.call(...).

Thanks for using jsonToDOM! Its an awesome function.

Also Array.isArray is not in chrome.

Try this version of jsonToDOM - https://gist.github.com/Noitidart/9504180

What Nik recommended is what I did in that gist. So please try that first
before using my gist, my gist is outdated. I personally don’t use it, but I
recall it was a cross browser version I tested a couple years ago.

It is and has been for years:

Oh whoops, thanks for the correction :slight_smile:

You are spot on! Thank you very much! :slight_smile:

Thanks for your comments and your enthusiasm! lol

I only changed the one line:
var childElems = Array.slice(arguments, 2);
to this:
var childElems = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2);

Chrome and Opera now like it…
So far, that one change seems to have done the trick!