I’m updating an Add-on SDK add-on to WebExtensions and wondering about how to set up automated tests. The jpm tool had support for running tests, but I don’t see anything like that with the new web-ext tool. Any pointers or recommendations on this? (Might be a good post for the hacks blog.)
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There are open tickets regarding web-ext
and tests:
- Issue/discussion about running tests via web-ext (still open when I write this)
- Issue about testing examples
- issue about API mock/polyfill
That being said, you can just run tests manually or as a part of your build pipeline.
Code examples:
- mdn/webextensions-examples/mocha-client-tests example
- Standard8/example-webextension (this one may be the best place to start if you just want to see a working setup)
Thanks for these pointers! I searched in bugzilla but not on github so I missed those issues before.