WebExtensions Engineering Bi-weekly Newsletter #1

Originally posted to the dev-addons mailing list by Andy McKay.

In an effort to improve communication about what the WebExtensions
Engineering team is doing I’m going to start doing some bi-weekly
meetings. All the bugs that we are working on are visible in Bugzilla,
but provides a rather low level fire hose of information. Each release
I do a blog post of what has changed. This is an attempt to bridge gap
between the fire hose of bugs and the blog post.

It’s been a few weeks since Firefox 57 has merged and we’ve been
uplifting patches into Beta. The uplift criteria is becoming more
strict as the release progresses and an uplift will have to meet very
high standards to be considered over the remainder of the Beta cycle.

A current focus is still to triage those incoming bugs and see if
something should be uplifted to 57. That’s why you’ll see the
status-firefox57 flag being set on bugs.

So far some bugs that have now landed in 58 include:

  • about:preferences will now show if you an extension has changed the
    new tab when using chrome_url_overrides [bug]
  • webRequest.onAuthRequired will fire for system requests [bug]
  • extensions can now configure security devices [bug]
  • ancestor URLs are passed to webRequest.onBeforeRequest listeners [bug]
  • confirm dialogs now appear on options_ui pages with OOP enabled [bug]

Some of the things that are being worked on include:

  • using indexedDB as a back end for storage.local [bug] to improve
    performance of storage.local
  • changing page CSP to not apply to content scripts [bug and discussion]
  • reader mode support [conversation]
  • popups will appear in the UI if newtab or homepage is changed [bug]
  • how tab and tab strip hiding could be done [bug and bug]

A road map of things we are working on is here:

Meetings are all public and a calendar is here:

If there’s anything anyone wants me to summarise in these newsletters,
please let me know.