Ive been trying to setup nextcloud access on my webthings gateway but found out my isp has me behind a NAT so port forwarding is not going to work. I have noticed that webthings does some kind of tunneling trick to allow access…
So your cable modem’s public IP is a private IP and NAT?
Not sure what your trying to do, but it’s somewhat simple to setup a SSH or Wireguard VPN server to remotely tunnel into your home network and access your WT linux/raspian host. I have both configured on my Raspbian RPI 2b+. The service can be on any of your home servers. 2 of my servers are configured with both.
I recommend Wireguard and have created both split and full tunnel VPN profiles. Wireguard is slightly harder to configure, but works well, and it just works securely routing l traffic in/out of the home network.
I use a free dynamic DNS service and a twice daily script to update the current IP address of my cable modem in case (when) it changes every few months (sometimes after a power outage/reboot).
I’m afraid using the webthings.io remote access service to access your NextCloud instance would be against the terms of service, because streaming all your files via our cloud servers (encrypted) would use a lot of resources which would impact other users of the service.
you agree not to… Use the WebThings remote access service for any use other than its intended purpose of providing secure remote access to a WebThings Gateway
However, the good news is that the software which powers the remote access service (PageKite) is open source. You can either run your own server somewhere, or use PageKite’s hosted service and choose how much to pay, from $4/month.
There are other options available too, such as ngrok.
Personally I chose an ISP who will provide me with a static IP address so I can use my own domain with port forwarding on my home router. If you have no choice but to use an ISP using carrier-grade NAT then that approach (or Dynamic DNS) is unfortunately not going to work for you so I imagine you’re going to have to use some kind of hosted service as a relay.
Whilst there’s no reason for you not to install NextCloud alongside WebThings Gateway on the same hardware, I’m afraid the webthings.io tunnelling service (which is provided free of charge) is not designed for general purpose use.