ReMo Portal Event - If you attended this call or watched the AirMo recording, please mark yourself as an attendee here: (both reps or mozillians)
Quentin Lamamy, @ quentin_lamamy, i am from Lille in France. (actually @work, can’t use my mic)
Konstantina @ Konstantina_P live from my desk (eating chocolate)
Daniele, @ mte90net, I am live from my room/office where I work remotely in Italy
San James @ jsan4christ, live from Kampala
Caitlin Neiman @ caitmuenster, live from my apartment in Mountain View!
Christophe, @ hellosct1 live from the cloud and at the Paris in France
Prathamesh, @ pathfinderpc and I am live from Pune, India
Mijanur Rahman, @mijanur_rayhan and I live in Bangladesh.
Robert Kaiser (KaiRo), notwitter, and I hail live from Vienna, Austria.
Ikram, @ hossainalikram, and I’m live from Bangladesh
Francisco, from Madrid
Laka, @ lakatos88 from London
Jonathan @ jlin from Toronto!
Yofie @ yofiesetiawan from Jakarta!
Kiki @ kelimuttu from Jakarta
Juli @ tuxxy from México
DYVIK @ mozfox from India
Know some Reps who did an amazing work! Let’s share some #mozlove to them! ( they will be tweeted after the meeting)
Quentin Frémeaux @PopzeLife for his amazing help for the Lille Rust Meetup.
George Roter for sending/forwarding us all the internal news very fast
AGENDA TOPIC 1 - Caitlin on web extensions activity
HUGE thanks to Daniele + Viswa for running these events even before there was an Activate activity; their help and enthusiasm for this project has made all the difference
Share the love!
Do you have any questions? Ask Caitlin
What the P1 goals for the addons team?
Right now we try to help developers to migrate to web extensions
we want to make sure that people can create addons with web extensions
It’s a huge fair held near Lyon. 30000 visitors last year. There’s a big Free Digital space (Espace numérique libre) where we will have a booth along with other open source and open internet projects: wikimedia, Libreoffice, Openstreetmaps for the most famous and other local communities (that we know from the JDLL). We were contacted to hold a booth and make demos of Firefox on smartphones and desktop
We are organizing a one day sprint where we hack on Rust from scratch 1. Introduction to Rust Programming Language 2. Building Web applications using IRON 3. Contribution pathways for newcomers to contribute to Rust Codebase
The IFF encourages a meaningful interaction between the different groups and regions of the free software community, privacy on the web, and access to information, creating an environment of diversity and inclusion within the event. Where people from different branches meet as developers, designers, communicologists, among others.
The Firefox 52 is scheduled for release in March 2017 and will bring new features to users and developers. The L10n pt-BR team, accordingly, made some changes in the nomenclature of some interface items and, consequently, SUMO articles need to follow such changes. That’s why we launched this campaign to update all articles about FIrefox in SUMO’s knowledge base.
TOPIC 4 - Council update - Alex with love
Open Letter
George and Lucy joined us to talk about the Open Letter. They gave us valuable tips on format and framing.
Meeting Notes
The previous meeting notes from December and January are being worked on. There are 5 meetings we are missing public notes for.
The budget allocation for Q1 and Q2 is being voted on. We will publish this once agreed upon.
Update from OKR Areas
Communication - Alex has done a redesign on the newsletter template and has started to fill in content. We are on a good track and will be able to publish the first newsletter soon. Keep an eye on your spam folder
Onboarding - The Webinar script for on-boarding new Reps is finished. Our last questions are around YouTube and date logistics. We are confident that we can run the webinar really soon. Additionally we have started to screen 11 open bugs that are not part of the webinar (newer).
Reps Issues on GitHub
We still have all our tasks in the Reps GitHub repository, have a look there to get involved and keep up to date with what we’re up to.