Raw notes can be found here. ReMo Portal Event - If you attended this call or watched the AirMo recording, please mark yourself as an attendee here (both reps and mozillians).
Michael Kohler, @ KohlerSolutions, one of my goals for 2017 is to keep being amazing (we all know it, we all are, let’s celebrate that :))
My name is Geraldo Barros (geraldobarros_) and one goal for 2017 is run 5 Mozilla Activate activities. (Only 5!!!)
Christos Bacharakis @ bacharakis, read more books!
Sierra Reed, @ SimplxeSierra. One of my goals for 2017 is to become an active blogger.
Brian King, @ brianking, Better enable your awesomeness
Irvin, @ irvinfly, one of my goals for 2017 is recruiting more people and onboarding some to be contributing more
Md Shahbaz Alam, @ mdsbzalam , learn more technology and help people in the process
Vigneshwer, @ dvigneshwer, Completing my Deeplearning crate in rust called DeepRust
Abbackar Diomande , @ abbackardiomand , one of my goals for 2017 is localize Firefox in Nouchi ( Ivorian local language )
Rubén, @ nukeador, my goal for 2017 is move Reps program to the next level as core mobilizers.
Kiki, @ kelimuttu, my goal for 2017 is organize a community gathering in Jakarta
Ioana @ ioana_cis - one of my 2017’s goal is to discover a unexplored contribution pathway for Mozilla
Brice Jacob TOUKPO, @ tbjac, my goal for 2017 is to be the reps of mounth by working hard
Christophe, @hellosct1, my goal for 2017 is Breeder of stuffed animals
DIPESH MONGA @ diipeshmonga,learn as much as i can
Harsha Bandaru @harsshhaa, my goal for this year is to reduce my weight
Shout outs!
Know some Reps who did an amazing work! Let’s share some #mozlove to them! ( they will be tweeted after the meeting)
Christos for leading the call!
Umesh for his Council duty and his continuing Mozilla work
The whole Privacy Month team for organizing an amazing activity!
Everyone in our community spaces in Jakarta, Manila, and Taipei. More info on 2016 coming soon!
TOPIC 1 - Community Development updates - Lucy
Status - Preliminary OKRs submitted for review
January 19th - Presentation of approved goals and full review of Open Innovation goals with Patrick & Lucy
Q: Will there be a OKRs for Rep program it self? A: yes based on above OKRs.
TOPIC 2 - Regional communities and Reps in 2016 - Nukeador
The privacy month campaign is celebrated every year, throughout the month of january by the Mozilla India Community and welcomes participation and collaboration from all other Mozilla communities as well. This campaign is observed as part of the International Data Privacy Day which falls on the 28th of January.
The privacy month aims at educating people all over the world, about online privacy and threats unknown to them in their online life. The campaign will achieve this by conducting various events offline as well spreading awareness online via various social channels.
Daily tips shared through twitter account. ACTIONS:
Conduct activities in your local area, to spread the awareness.
Share the privacy tips posted by Mozilla India’s social channels.
Share additional info and experiences related to online privacy using the hashtag: #advocate4privacy and #PrivacyMonth LINKS:
[already mentioned in Topic 1] Reps OKRs will be published once the Community Development Team OKRs are approved and we have worked on our Rep specific ones
[Reminder, was mentioned by Brian in the last call] We are starting to work on a Reps Onboarding Webinar to make onboarding easier and faster (this will only focus on Reps specific topics)
NON-VERBAL UPDATES (ie: you can’t attend but want to share something)
just a reminder that is you didn’t fill out the Activate survey yet you still have an opportunity to do so. We will keep it open for a little while longer. Thanks for your help, the feedback is very valuable: https://goo.gl/forms/tlmIbjn2ZKKST2OF3