Raw notes here If you attended this call or watched the AirMo recording, please mark yourself as an attendee here: (both reps or mozillians)
ADD YOUR NAME, your TWITTER Handle aaaaaaaaannd your favorite messaging app is:
Quentin Lamamy, and my favorite messaging app is telegram to stay in touch with mozillian <3
Dyvik Chenna, , Telegram
Srushtika Neelakantam, Telegram
Sierra Reed, SIGNAL (FTW)
Semirah Dolan, for Mozilla: telegram
Prathamesh and my favourite mesaging app is Whatsapp
Ioana and my favorite messaging app is Telegram
Dan I like Signal. I'm also really interested in Matrix
Laka and my favourite messaging app is Whatsapp (mostly cause of the call option)(I know, I'm a traitor and deserve to be punished)
Robert Kaiser my favorite messaging app is hard to tell (maybe Telegram as it's the only one I use right now), but Matrix/Riot sounds promising for the future
Francisco , my favorite messaging app is Telegram
Kiki my favorite messaging app is.. Telegram
Rishita Bansal my favourite messaging app
Cissy the Fox
Rishu Goenka
Know some Reps who did an amazing work!
Srushtika & Mayur & Yofie for stepping up and help with the new Facebook Experience we want to create
Is there a good WebAssembly demo that doesn’t need WebGL2? (context: On Linux, with SandyBridge graphics, WebGL2 doesn’t work yet, will only with a Mesa version coming in May)
WebAssembly is a successor of Mozilla’s asm.js, so every asm.js demo could almost be considered a WebAssembly demo.
The biggest use case seems to be compiling from other languages to WebAssembly. Is there any valid use case for manually writing WebAssembly from scratch?
There is if you know better than compiler chances of that - very small. But nothing is stopping you.
Topic 2 - Dyvik - Mozilla connected spaces
https://wiki.mozilla.org/index.php?title=Connected_Communities (Wiki page)
https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/embed?mid=1sYi4EGrPk0M-yN3LeRpl9qYT0Ts&ll=20.141514030585146%2C78.11035383906255&z=5 (Map of existing spaces in India)
https://goo.gl/uQ3aQa ( Please submit the places you know in the provided link)
https://goo.gl/XWxynZ ( Do not forget to join Telegram group)
Add your suggestions here:
What will be the procedure for reserving the Space for event?
Please let us know date and time of your event such that we can directly contact space evangelists and connect you with them people to contact - @mozfox , @Aastha_i_am
Please share the criteria for participating in the campaign (in writing, unable to join the call)
It’s not exactly a campaign We are trying to figure our if FB can be any better than the existing channels in order to get the news to be heard by all reps !
Details: FOSSASIA is the premier Free and Open Source technology event in Asia for developers, start-ups, and contributors. Projects at FOSSASIA range from open hardware, to design, graphics and software. FOSSASIA was established in 2009. Previous events took place in Cambodia and Vietnam.
MozActivate Hackathon at KCG (Chennai, India) 18th-19th
Details: This 24 hour hackathon is aimed at making students contribute to various functional teams of Mozilla. LocalizationWebVR; Add-ons Development using WebExtension
Details: The Firefox 52 is scheduled for release in March 2017 and will bring new features to users and developers. The L10n pt-BR team, accordingly, made some changes in the nomenclature of some interface items and, consequently, SUMO articles need to follow such changes. That’s why we launched this campaign to update all articles about FIrefox in SUMO’s knowledge base.
Lucy had started a document to capture questions and concerns that can directly be addressed by Open Innovation. She and George joined us to talk about that idea and on which format would be best.
For the questions that can be directed towards the leadership team, we agreed to write a first draft with the questions we have phrased now.
Update for Q2 OKRs
Lucy informed us about the OKR process for Q2 and officially invited us to take part in the meetings next week. It will be the same process as last quarter.
MoFo is working on the Recognition topic and we will tap into this once phase one of their project is done. We will keep you updated on how we could integrate efforts that are done around the organization into the Reps program as well. This won’t be happening within the next 2 months though.
Meeting Notes
The missing meeting notes have been published. Now we are on time again. If you have read the recent meeting notes, there is no need to go back and read the others as we kept them short for archiving purposes only.
Updates from OKR areas
We are currently looking for a date to record and live-stream the Webinar.
We discussed the process proposal around re-commitment for Reps. We have a solid proposal, some questions need to be figured out regarding setup and tracking. We will send out a mail shortly to allow enough time for all Reps to respond to this.
Coaching proposal
The coaching proposal with its next steps has been shared with volunteers that have been working on the Leadership toolkit for feedback. After that we will open it up for all Reps as well.
Reps Issues on GitHub
We still have all our tasks in the Reps GitHub repository, have a look there to get involved and keep up to date with what we’re up to. https://github.com/mozilla/reps/issues
Topic 5 - Open floor and questions
North American community has a call on Sunday, March 19th. All North American Mozillians are welcomed to attend. For this meeting some Mozilla marketing staff will be joining us to share news/updates. Join our telegram if you have any questions or would like to join the call (link: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAAuSfiTr13eMpL4rbw ) - Semirah Dolan