Weekly Call 20-12-2018

Hey all,

We’re coming back today with some updates so join us at 16:00 UTC.

Airmo video: https://onlinexperiences.com/Launch/Event.htm?ShowKey=44908&DisplayItem=E314530

Etherpad link: https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/remo-call-20-12-2018

Vidyo room: https://v.mozilla.com/flex.html?roomdirect.html&key=RWa4tTy27FSM

Reps page: https://reps.mozilla.org/e/remo-call-20-12-18/


  • TOPIC 1: Mentor & mentee conversation - Daniele
  • TOPIC 2: Reps call pilot in LATAM time - Kiki
  • TOPIC 3: Council updates

See you there!

PS: As always we encourage you to add some shout outs! We have amazing reps
doing amazing work! Let’s send them some #mozlove!