@Chelsea joined the call to talk about this new campaign that is now based in US but will be expanded to Europe and Asia soon. Even if you are not in the US you can participate sharing the “keep it personal” message and checking youtube videos.
You can create #foxyeah content even in your language asking people to download Firefox, just make sure you share it with the #foxyeah hashtag.
@costenslayer introduced the Youth Mozilla program that aims to get young people to Mozilla for the first time and show them how to be involved. The idea is to connect them to functional areas and get mentors.
The site is in English and Bahasa Indonesia and they hope this to be the central place of information for every Mozilla activity in the country.
Featured events
These are some of the events that took place last week.
Bangladesh Community Meetup - Dhaka - 5th-6th
Community Pune Meetup - Pune, India - 6th
Vancouver Maker faire - Vancouver, Canada - 6th
Surveillance 101 - Skojpe, Macedonia - 7th
Mozilla Day IFRS - Canoas, Brazil - 9th
Do you want to get more visibility for your events? Check how!
Help me with my project!
In this section the floor is yours to present in 1 minute a project you are working on and ask other Reps for help and support.
@franc is looking for help with the “External experts” project to identify local organizations that do a great job in participation and Mozilla can learn from them. Ping Francisco if you want to help.
Hi @buluma_michael thank you, yes it’s actually developed by my small web design and development team, adapting the mozilla website. I’m not familiar with Wordpress like most other local communities use the most. So we develop this website using Joomla. If you like, i can help you to setup…