(Chiorean Ioana)
September 24, 2015, 11:30am
Thursday September 24th, 15:00 UTC
Check the agenda and please add your own topics as well if you have something to share with us.
AirMozilla video
Weekly call details:
Help me with my project
What we’re working on in Council
New NDA process/How do we create a culture of trust - Lucy Harris
OSCON EU - call for action
PS: As always we encourage you to add some shout outs! We have amazing reps doing amazing work! Let’s send them some #mozlove !
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(Chiorean Ioana)
October 19, 2015, 8:43pm
Raw meeting notes here (after migration).
Hi my name is Konstantina and I wanted to be here first (if you try to write above me I’m line 38 :P)
Hi, i’m Anis from Dhaka. (Thought to remove an empty line to put my one on 37 ) evil! there is also time slider (y)
Hi, I’m Daniele from Italy
Hi, I’m Bolaram Paul from Sylhet,Bangladesh
Ioana - still sick unfortunately, still coldish and rainy in Cluj.(get well
HI my name is Lucy and I am from Toronto
Brian from the Sunny Side of the Alps
Francisco from the not so sunny side of the pyrenees (almost close to Africa)¨
Rosana, from Berlin
Hi, I am Ikram from Dhaka
Michael from Bern
Biraj,Hi I am from India
George, I am from here, but where am I really from?
Viswaprasath, I am India
Hi my name is Arturo, and I am from the future!
Hi my name is Alex and I am from Romania.
Harsha Bandaru from Hyderabad india
Shout outs!
Konstantina - for adding meeting notes for the last 3 calls on discourse ! For the help about swag request for Fabriano
Brian cause its his b-day! and Chelsea Novak! and Carlo Frinolli, Rep in Rome \o/ (we are singing today, woop woop)
wissam and Ikram for being Rep of the month
Andi for his help defying the financial role in the community *
TOPIC 1 - New NDA process/How do we create a culture of trust - Lucy Harris
What kinds of things would you like to see in a “core contributor trust agreement”
What does it mean for you to have an NDA ?
Who has now NDA?
New NDA process on the way
having an NDA you have a confidential level
QUESTION FROM GEORGE TO ALL: Does this feel like a relevant/important topic? Why or why not?
Questions from slides:
What information should be included in a “trust agreement”?
What makes you want to keep something that’s shared a secret?
What would make you want to share?
What should the tone be?
What other things (besides the NDA) should core contributors commit to? * How do you think about trusted information?
Who do you trust to have Mozilla’s best interest at heart?
How do people move into that clearly different zone?
TOPIC 2 - Reps of the Month - (Ioana )
Say congrats on discourse topic
What is the process?
1-10 of each month - mentors can nominate reps
10-25 - mentors vote on the proposal
process is automated but we need input from mentors about he nomination to make the text which sometime takes some days. Ioana ( she volunteer to take it on) with help from council posts the text and announce it.
TOPIC 3 - Future (featured) Events (Franc) 5 min
TOPIC 4 - Help me with my project!
TOPIC 5 - What we’re working on in Council ( San James )
Budget Training together with Francisco
Reps Program Profile (Nuke as lead)
Helping out Communities with Meetups
Intercommunity Meetups SOP (driven by Francisco, approved by Council)