Hi my name is Luna and i am from Sweden My goal for the first quarter of 2016 is to Arrange a Mozfika and keeping working on Mozilla L10n
Hi, my name is Amine Zaafouri, and I am from Tunisia. My biggest wish for 2016 is to contribute more in the Mozilla project.
Hi, my name is Rabimba Karanjai, and I am from Houston/India. My biggest wish…well I don’t have a biggest wish. My smaller wishes include completing all the unfinsihed Mozilla projects I’m involved in (or atleast giving them a try)
Hi, my name is Kelimutu, and I am from Indonesia. My goal for the first quarter of 2016 is helping my local community to get its very first Mozilla space. ^^
Hi, my name is Mijanur, and I am from Bangladesh. My goal for the first quarter of 2016 is to spread campus campaign and teach the people.
Hi, my name is Sunnat, and I am from Bangladesh. My goal for the first quarter of 2016 is helping the new comers and other mozillians regarding the Mozilla’s missions, specially in the CodeBase.
Hi, my name is JB, and I am from Uganda. My goal for the first quarter of 2016 is to have some code contributions towards Firefox and Mozilla projects and also help grow my community
My name is Lucy I am from Toronto my goal for this first quarter is to build an effective community comms process and help the participation suceed across all our projects! (Face & Voice muted today)
My Name is Trishul, I am from India. My goal for Q1 is to excel Addon code base and addons development
HI my name is Emma, and I am from Vancouver Island Canada - my goal for quarter of 2016 is to design and run a great hackathon for connected devices or privacy (not sure which yet)
Hi, my name is Francisco, and I am from Spain. My goal for the first quarter is survive another FOSDEM
Hi, my name is Jobava, I am from Romania. My goal for the first quarter is to spread the word on privacy
Hi , my name is Lebron
Brian, I am from Uganda . My goal for the first quarter of 2016 is to Teach the web
Hi , my name is Ganesh, I am from Mauritius, My goal for the first quarter of 2016 are new recruits, Campus Campaign and Connected devices, while spreading Teach the Web and Privacy awareness
Thank you very much indeed PARTICIPATION TEAM - you really did an awesome work at the Global Gathering Summit
Leadership Summit
The overall experience (Kelimutu, Umesh)
Campus campaign (Jobava, Robby)
Connected Devices (Rabimba Karanjai, Mak)
RepsNext proposal
Photos by Christos Bacharakis - https://www.flickr.com/photos/christosbacharakis/albums/72157663878010671 (Fell free to use and share them! However when you are using any of the pictures, please please please respect the licence by linking the photo to it’s original source (flickr photo link))
Please let us know your opinion about this call here!
Well organized I should say, this was my first Reps Call and it’s totally fun being a part of ReMo!! (Abhiram)
Suggestion for next event: Venue map to help the participant get to the venue without wander in the building first. ((:
For next event, maybe we can ask help from nearby community to come one day earlier to help with event or logistic preparation (I think we are so welcome for that).
With the Campus Campaign it’s important to establish first some key ideas like:
what privacy is
why privacy matters, not just for individuals, but also for society
what Mozilla can do for that
some specific common messages, graphics and stories, or templates
For Connected Devices, it’s important to have an idea of what those may be, even if unrealistic, some visions.
What will be the future role of Firefox OS?
Is Mozilla going to promote hardware hacking and how will that integrate into the future strategy?
Why is Mozilla the right future nexus for the consumer-based IoT revolution?
One key differentiation for Mozilla here is being able to do something that the corporations (not even Google) can do: free software and updates, a focus on security and putting the user first. Instead of using these devices as data collectors, Mozilla can promise people agency and control