we are realising the next 2 videos in the next 3 weeks.
Second phase is starting in 2 weeks by no
How can Mozillians explain that we are aligning with Apple and others right now when we are also their “competitors”?
This is a great question - will work with policy to get some talking points.
On this issue Mozilla and Apple (and Google?) are on the same side. There is a value on having trustworthy devices, backdoors make it possible for both hackers and foreign governments to get to the data.
It’s not just people’s phones, in this connected world, people’s devices represent their lives, their bank account etc.explaining what encryption is a starting point.
Sara will ask for FAQ for everyone to use
Is this an opportunity to make us more visible as an org who is ALWAYS fighting for this rights?
yes and it’s way to let people what encryption is and a way to reach people that are outside the community
Thoughs/ideas by Jobava: Need to teach both about encryption but also the value of privacy. You can teach public key encryption using simple padlocks (everyone can lock, only the key unlocks) - can be workshop-worthy with actual padlock props and little boxes. Encryption has to be a hands-on experience, not just a faint assurance that their devices are somehow “secure”, without an idea what that might mean. Encryption has a really bad rendering in popular media (notably, CSI), even basic information may be worth spreading. Idea for a 60 second video debunking the CSI perception that encryption is something easy to break or trivial.
New NDA process rolling out (fingers crossed) by March! - it’s a new system
Admin training - next week
Each group will roll out invitations in the coming weeks - for people that are not in the groups we need a staff to vouch for you in order to get an NDA https://wiki.mozilla.org/NDA
All Reps will get NDA
we wil have regular meetings
more to come next week
TOPIC 3 - Fossasia - Franc
We decided to participate with devrel and sponsor about 4-5 people
It’s not only about giving a talk but you will have some commitments
A more detailed plan will come after the talks are being decided
We are planning for more technical talks but that doesn’t mean we will sponsor only them
TOPIC 7 - Reps Call and Github (Ioana/Konstantina - read only due to time)
We start working for the call planning in Github - under participation repo for a better visibility of this work and how anyone can contribute to it. For ex for today’s call here is the work: https://github.com/mozilla/participation-org/issues/353
For the next call we will work in this issue: Next Call - https://github.com/mozilla/participation-org/issues/378 Please leave a comment if you want to proposal a talk, a speaker or a topic. Also if you wan to help with any of the task of it - let us know!