Hi my name is @couci from Athens, Greece. My favorite super hero is Thor
Hi, my name is Ioana and I am currently in the hearth of Transylvania! My favorite super hero was Sailor Moon!
Hi, my name is @jobaval10n and I am currently at the Mozilla offices in Berlin! My favorite super hero is Norman Borlaug, human.
Hi, my name is @franc and I’m from Spain. My favourite super hero is Batman, because he has no superpowers
Hi, my name is @alex_lakatos and I am currently in the middle of a storm in London! My favorite super hero was Jerry from Tom&Jerry. (where is your lovely face in the call?)(nowhere, I’m doing two meetings at once now )
Hi, my name is @rara and I am currently in the heart of instant noodles gulp. My favorite super hero is Sailor Moon, too. And oh, the Masked Tuxedo :3
Hi my name is @irvin and I’m from Taiwan. My favourite super hero is …
Hi my name is @yofiesetiawan , from Jakarta Indonesia. My favourite super hero is Spider-Man
Hi my name is Trishul and I’m from India. My favourite super hero is IronMan
Hi my name is @dikyarga
and I am from Indonesia, My favourite super hero is Saitama
Hi, my name is @kelimuttu and I’m from Indonesia. My favorite hero is Mom! aaawwww - best reply ever indeed
Hi, my name is Mijanur and I am from Bangladesh. My favorite super hero is Super Man!
Shout outs!
Christos cause he is the new FSA coordinator
Cynthia Zanoni, Cynthia Pereira, Geraldo and Lenno for Mozhacks in Brazil
Chair: Rosana
Notetakers: Konstantina and Ioana
TOPIC 0 - an impromptu discussion about what ‘engagement’ means for events with Mozilla participation - Jobava and Rosana
ACTIONS: a discourse post exploring the issue further by Jobava (conscripted) with the aid of Ioana
TOPIC 1 - Indonesian Campus Campaign - Kelimuttu
In case you want to take a look at the progress, you can check it here.
There is already a plan about 8 campuses in Indonesia, it’s in regions we have active Mozillians
We are still drafting our approach into the university
we are blocked on the mid term planning need for a clearer understanding about the Campus Campaign
small, local events
programs for teams
application process for ‘local coaches’
QUESTIONS: How can we manage the CC with 0 funding
we are asking to have local and small events, so we won’t have transportation needed
Where can we have engagement events and not necessarily specific to privacy? For example: students going to a campus, is there material for people to present the campaign?
The team WoMoz Brazil with WoMakersCode project promoted marathons (join efforts) in several cities in Brazil in March to develop engagement activities and women’s empowerment in technology. 7 cities received female empowerment activities, the activities were digital inclusion, web development (programming), engagement and motivation.
People involved in a conversation/interaction during the event: 314 people