Raw notes here.
ReMo Portal Event - If you attended this call or watched the AirMo recording, please mark yourself as an attendee here: https://reps.mozilla.org/e/remo-call-25-05-17/ (both reps and mozillians)
- Said Fuad / @ saeed_fuad/ Tacos
- Mariot Tsitoara / @ mariot_tsitoara / Hamburger
- Md Shahbaz Alam / @ mdsbzalam /
- Thiago Policena / @ thiagopolicena / Pamonha
- Daniele Scasciafratte / @ mte90net / Panino con la porchetta
- Vibhanshu Chaudhary | @ vibhanshu95
- Konstantina @ KonstantinaP, I love souvlaki
- Ankit Gadgil | @ anknite | pani puri
- Kumaresan.C.S | @ cskumaresan | vada pav
- Tanzeel Khan / @ khantanzeel / Momos
- Amine Zaafouri / ZaafouriFF / Falafel
- Edoardo Viola / @ edovio / Panino Wurstel e Cipolla
- Rishu Goenka, @ RishuGoenka and favorite street food Pani Puri (Water Bowl)
- Robby Sayles/@ rtsayles/Corn Dog
- Alex Mayorga @ alex_mayorga Are there any other street foods other than tacos you say?
- Ioana @ ioana_cis - Shawarma
- Flore Allemandou @ flore_dvk - roasted chestnut
- Francisco, @ francjp, Pad Thai
- Viswaprasath, @ iamvp7
- Yuli / @ tuxxy / I (tacos) you <3
- Emma @ sunnydeveloper - probably tacos
- Cliff Argwings @ qleeph - Shawarma
- Michael Kohler @ KohlerSolutions, anything mexican?
- Prathamesh Chavan, @ pathfinderpc and my favourite street food is vada Pav
- Kristi Progri @ KristiProgri (buke e qofte)
- San James @ jsan4christ
Know some Reps who did an amazing work! Let’s share some #mozlove to them! ( they will be tweeted after the meeting
- Mozlove to Cynthia Pereira (@cynthiape reira_) and Airton Zanon (@airtonzanon) for the awesome volunteer work on WebVR Camp roadshow at São Paulo! http://bit.ly/2qSEKRC
- Mozlove to Amine Zaafouri (@zaafouriFF) and Juma Baldeh (@TechAngelGirl) for the awesome work on WebVR activities at The Gambia, West Africa!
- mozlove to viki, prathamesh, mehul and umesh for their amazing work on putting together for #RainofRust+1
TOPIC 1 - Current status of the Reps Elections and the goal of this call (Ioana)
- We are in the last day of the Nominees QA and till tomorrow council candidates should provide answers to all questions here and a video.
- Discourse Q&A
- If any of them miss this 2 requirements will not be considered in the voting.
- Tomorrow morning at 9 AM UTC the voting will start
- Timeline (all times in 09:00 UTC)
TOPIC 2 - Alex Mayorga https://reps.mozilla.org/u/alex_mayorga
If the person is not in this call, feel free to add your questions here nevertheless!
- What made you decide to run as a Mozilla Reps Council member? What pushed you to do so?
- I believe functional doers need a voice in the Council and I believe my bug identification and question addressing from QA and SuMo contributions to the broader Mozilla project.
- How do you define an “active Mozilla Rep”? Do you consider yourself as an active one?
- Anyone that is putting out the word about the Mozilla project and mission to be a “Rep” even if not formally. Given I’m always telling everyone about what I do as a mozilla volunteer I consider myself active.
- What motivates you to be a Mozilla Rep and a contributor to the project?
- I believe that my participation in the council would help create a more open and inclusive web for my son and daughter.
- For you, what is your most important contribution to your local Mozilla community? Why so?
- I’m the grumpy person that always finds “bugs” on things and “rants” about them on IRC. I’m not only point to problems but I actively chase issues to a resolution whenever possible.
- What do you think council/reps can bring to community members, or potential community members who struggle with English?
- I’m not an English native speaker myself so I can feel this. I do believe that Reps could be a bit more like UN and have a small set of “official” languages to translate keep some key documents and communications that volunteer translators would be glad to help with.
- I understand the struggle since Englsih is not my first language as well so we can be kind of united nations. We can set up 2-3 languages
TOPIC 3 - Amine Zaafouri https://reps.mozilla.org/u/ZaafouriFF/
If the person is not in this call, feel free to add your questions here nevertheless!
Council is a group of people that will help the community to grow smartly and understand the life circle
What made you decide to run as a Mozilla Reps Council member? What pushed you to do so?
How do you define an “active Mozilla Rep”? Do you consider yourself as an active one?
What motivates you to be a Mozilla Rep and a contributor to the project?
For you, what is your most important contribution to your local Mozilla community? Why so?
How do you see diversity & inclusion as part of council’s job? (or understanding the life cycle you mentioned)
TOPIC 4 - Ankit Gadgil https://reps.mozilla.org/u/ankitgadgil/
If the person is not in this call, feel free to add your questions here nevertheless!
- Most of the contributors(not reps) feel that they are being taken for granted due to lack of transparency(example?). How can we improve this with the reps program?
- Reps program is built to improve this problem, we are the leaders who have the responsibility make the non-rep mozillians comfortable in the community and communicate about mozilla’s current direction to them. Reps are the bridge between moziila and community, improving the reps skills and coaching them to help non-rep contributors.
- What made you decide to run as a Mozilla Reps Council member? What pushed you to do so?
- I think with the skills I have professionally I will be able to help the reps program by getting involved in the strategic thinking and processes to make the reps program better. Being in the council I will be do this better.
- I have been in the council for a term and I think the council has come a long way since then, working with the amazing leadership we have is a good opportunity.
- How do you define an “active Mozilla Rep”? Do you consider yourself as an active one?
- An active rep is a mozillian who keeps up with the current projects and processes and is involved in one or more projects contributing and encouraging other to do so. Yes I consider myself an active rep

- What motivates you to be a Mozilla Rep and a contributor to the project?
- The mission, the care for open web and help more and more mozillians to take up leadership roles and improve their skills.
- For you, what is your most important contribution to your local Mozilla community? Why so?
- Keeping the mozilla community running and fueled up is the most important contribution as of now in my local community in India. My local community is a big one, with lots contributors. Keeping these contributors on the same page, making them work together is an important task.
- You have been part of the community for a while, and council member in the past, wondering… based on those experiences what ideas you might have for surfacing good work of those who are not as good at stepping up publically, especially non-Reps?
- Good question. Recognition is one of the most important piece for any program, reps is not an exception. Its the job of the more vocal contributors from communities to speak up for their fellow introvert mozillians. I have seen in my time in mozilla, every rep and a non-rep mozillian is good at something and is contributing to the betterment of the open web, but may be not representing themselves on a global level. A fellow rep or mentor can take this up as a responsibility to help and make their work widely known.
- Writing recommendations for your fellow mozillians online and/or offline can make them feel better and recognized.
TOPIC 5 - Daniele Scasciafratte https://reps.mozilla.org/u/Mte90/
If the person is not in this call, feel free to add your questions here nevertheless!
- What made you decide to run as a Mozilla Reps Council member? What pushed you to do so?
- After years of involving in Mozilla in different program I want to see if it possible to move forward our lovely program
- How do you define an “active Mozilla Rep”? Do you consider yourself as an active one?
- A Reps that at least once a month add a new report in the system and I add many reports at month
- What motivates you to be a Mozilla Rep and a contributor to the project?
- Because I can help my community on growing with my experience but also discuss together what to do in an openness way for everything we can do it
- For you, what is your most important contribution to your local Mozilla community? Why so?
- Recruit new volunteers and get new Mozilla Campus Club, Mozilla Tech Speakers and Mozilla Reps. So in few words get new people, follow them and next motivate them to something more in Mozilla that is not only promotion but something useful for the community other terms
- How do you see diversity & inclusion as part of council’s job? How have you worked on building an inclusive community in Italy?
- For us diversity and inclusion means not only gender but also the spread on the country as regional presence. We worked to organize events in all the country in the last years to get enage with people in life because for use to create an inclusive is important to meet in person.
- Why you are focusing so much about Reps Portal? [mkohler]
- The reps Portal is our home and everything we put inside is help[ful to understand what’s happen in the global community also with Community Analytics and I think that can be improved in the report system or event system to simplify it.
TOPIC 6 - Elio Qoshi https://reps.mozilla.org/u/elio
If the person is not in this call, feel free to add your questions here nevertheless!
- If you ever thought of any design activity for activate campaign, How would that look like? Do you have any such plans once u get into the council?
- What made you decide to run as a Mozilla Reps Council member? What pushed you to do so?
- How do you define an “active Mozilla Rep”? Do you consider yourself as an active one?
- What motivates you to be a Mozilla Rep and a contributor to the project?
- For you, what is your most important contribution to your local Mozilla community? Why so?
- Council requires a diverse skillset, especially for building an inclusive community, what skills, or knowledge do you see yourself as needing to build or improve to be fully effective in this area? how do you think Mozilla can support you in such a goal?
TOPIC 7 - Faye Tandog https://reps.mozilla.org/u/fayetandog
If the person is not in this call, feel free to add your questions here nevertheless!
- What do think is improved in the reps program in the past 1 year and what would you like to improve for the next year?
- What made you decide to run as a Mozilla Reps Council member? What pushed you to do so?
- How do you define an “active Mozilla Rep”? Do you consider yourself as an active one?
- How do you motivate your mentees to be an active Rep?
- What motivates you to be a Mozilla Rep and a contributor to the project?
- For you, what is your most important contribution to your local Mozilla community? Why so?
- What is the main reason on the decline in number of Mozilla-organized events in your community during your term as Community Manager?
- Michael: what does “your community” mean here? I don’t really get that question
- For you, the Firefox Student Ambassadors Program is a success or a failure? Why?
- How do you see council as being similar to FSA board, how do you see it as different?
- Which region do you represent: Indian sub-continent or Southeast Asia?
TOPIC 8 - Flore Allemandou https://reps.mozilla.org/u/flore
If the person is not in this call, feel free to add your questions here nevertheless!
- What made you decide to run as a Mozilla Reps Council member? What pushed you to do so?
- I’m already à council member and after 8 months, I feel that there’s still a lot to be done. And I really want to be part of the team.
- How do you define an “active Mozilla Rep”? Do you consider yourself as an active one?
- For me, an active Rep is someone who contributes to Mozilla, usually by participating or organizing events (talk, booths) or just spreading the word with friends, in University. But it can also be online. I consider myself myself as an active Rep. But not very active on filing reports
- What motivates you to be a Mozilla Rep and a contributor to the project?
- People are my number 1 motivation. I contribute to Mozilla because of awesome mozillians. I want to be part of the council to help other people
- For you, what is your most important contribution to your local Mozilla community? Why so?
- Having a local community in lyon and not rely on people based in Paris. Being autonomous is important
- As someone who experiences this, can you share ideas for how council and Reps might bridge language barrier of English-first with regional communities.
- Have as many different languages as possible and when needed find someone who can act as a mediator (in council or in community) to try and make things easier
- Given your 6 months on Council (or more in this case ;)) what would be the first change you would like to do?
- Maybe have a system of buddies for the new council members. But I am sure that the new mail system on discourse (with archives) will make it easier for new people to jump in.
TOPIC 9 - Hossain Al Ikram https://reps.mozilla.org/u/hossainalikram/
If the person is not in this call, feel free to add your questions here nevertheless!
- What made you decide to run as a Mozilla Reps Council member? What pushed you to do so?
- How do you define an “active Mozilla Rep”? Do you consider yourself as an active one?
- What motivates you to be a Mozilla Rep and a contributor to the project?
- For you, what is your most important contribution to your local Mozilla community? Why so?
- Something that has surfaced in D&I research is the need for leadership renewal - (as we do with council through elections). Do you have ideas, or experiences with your community in refreshing or renewing leadership? What are your thoughts on that for Reps?
TOPIC 10 - Kristi Progri https://reps.mozilla.org/u/kristiprogri
If the person is not in this call, feel free to add your questions here nevertheless!
- What made you decide to run as a Mozilla Reps Council member? What pushed you to do so?
- How do you define an “active Mozilla Rep”? Do you consider yourself as an active one?
- What motivates you to be a Mozilla Rep and a contributor to the project?
- For you, what is your most important contribution to your local Mozilla community? Why so?
- Transparency comes up often in elections, can you share what issues with transparency exist currently with the program? (additionally ,and this might be a hard question sorry) How do you think we can balance people’s need for anonymity/safety in the community with ‘openness and transparency’.
- Generally the reps program in the big picture is transparent and there are just few things that personally I don’t know what are the procedures for (like : what’s the criteria to choose the rep of the month). I know that anonymity is very important and we do not have to tell names or personal information for people who has said something,or propose something what’s important is to solve the problem without making someone feel uncomfortable.
TOPIC 11 - Mariot Tsitoara https://reps.mozilla.org/u/mariot/
If the person is not in this call, feel free to add your questions here nevertheless!
I can’t access Vidyo on my network but AirMo is working fine 
My name is Mariot. I’m a Rep and a Tech Speaker from Madagascar.
I’ve been a Mozillian since 2013 and I mainly work with Community Building and Teaching.
I decided to run for the Council because I noticed many people that stopped contributing because they feel left out.
I want to change that. We must show our contributors that we care about them and value their input. We have to reach out to them and help.
Mozillians have done an amazing work so far but sometimes, we don’t communicate well. We have to work on that as well.
Also, we have to continue the amazing works for the current Council is doing 
- What made you decide to run as a Mozilla Reps Council member? What pushed you to do so?
- I decided to run for the Council because not so long ago, a friend of mine said they were disappointed by Mozilla. It made me feel sad because they are an amazing member of their community. I don’t want any more persons like that so I decided to run to help make our members feel better. I want to reach out to them and help.
- How do you define an “active Mozilla Rep”? Do you consider yourself as an active one?
- For me, an active Mozilla Rep is someone who cares about the advance of our mission and participates in it even with the smallest contributions. I consider a Rep active when they still reach out to the contributors and help them find their place. I consider myself as an active one because after all those years, I am still talking about the Mozilla mission and recruiting people.
- What motivates you to be a Mozilla Rep and a contributor to the project?
- I like being a Rep because it’s an occasion for me to meet new people, help them and most importantly learn from them. I’ve been an enthusiast for the project for many years and now, I have the occasion to really participate in its advance.
- For you, what is your most important contribution to your local Mozilla community? Why so?
- My most important contribution is keeping members focused. Attracting new members is relatively easy, but making them stay is very hard. My role is to make sure that everyone is listened and cared for. My role is helping them do what they love.
- You mentioned in your answer, that people stop contributing, because they feel left out - indeed recognition across the project is random, and not understood (and skewed to people good at promoting their work), how do you think council can establish a better method of recognition that reaches beyond only Reps in their reporting, or beyond.
- I think that when recognizing someone’s work, we tend to forget the local contributions but focus on the global ones. One of the way I thought was to encourage Reps to reach out to contributors after they did something and thaank them. Even with a mail or a tweet, it’s important for contributors to feel valued. Recognition also means to ask for their ideas. Because we must show that we care. TLDR: each Rep should personally thank contributors and the Council can help by documenting it.
TOPIC 12 - Mayur Patil https://reps.mozilla.org/u/yomanpatil/
If the person is not in this call, feel free to add your questions here nevertheless!
- What is one change you will try to bring in associating the participation/Innovation team with the local communities if you become the council member?
- What made you decide to run as a Mozilla Reps Council member? What pushed you to do so?
- How do you define an “active Mozilla Rep”? Do you consider yourself as an active one?
- What motivates you to be a Mozilla Rep and a contributor to the project?
- For you, what is your most important contribution to your local Mozilla community? Why so?
- Something that has surfaced in D&I research is the need for leadership renewal - (as we do with council through elections). Do you have ideas, or experiences with your community in refreshing or renewing leadership? What are your thoughts on that for Reps?
TOPIC 13 - Meghraj Suthar https://reps.mozilla.org/u/Meghraj/
If the person is not in this call, feel free to add your questions here nevertheless!
- What made you decide to run as a Mozilla Reps Council member? What pushed you to do so?
- How do you define an “active Mozilla Rep”? Do you consider yourself as an active one?
- What motivates you to be a Mozilla Rep and a contributor to the project?
- For you, what is your most important contribution to your local Mozilla community? Why so?
- Council requires a diverse skillset, especially for building an inclusive community, what skills, or knowledge do you see yourself as needing to build or improve to be fully effective in this area? how do you think Mozilla can support you in such a goal?
TOPIC 14 - Priyanka Nag https://reps.mozilla.org/u/priynag/
If the person is not in this call, feel free to add your questions here nevertheless!
Hey awesome Reps,
Sorry…I couldn’t be on today’s call. I am out of Pune for some personal work. I am a Mozilla Reps mentor from India. I have been a Mozilla contributor for a little more than 4 years now. This is the first time I have nominated myself for the council elections. I have loads of ideas around this…some of which I have tried to share through the questionnaire. If there is anything you would like to ask me, please do drop your questions or feedback here and I will definitely get back to you with some answer 
- What made you decide to run as a Mozilla Reps Council member? What pushed you to do so?
- How do you define an “active Mozilla Rep”? Do you consider yourself as an active one?
- What motivates you to be a Mozilla Rep and a contributor to the project?
- For you, what is your most important contribution to your local Mozilla community? Why so?
- What should be the criteria to judge if any event/campaign is aligned to Mozilla mission and the request is worth approval?
- You have been part of the community for a while, wondering… based on those experiences what ideas you might have for surfacing good work of those who are not as good at stepping up publically, especially non-Reps, and those who have not been recognized/helped into leadership before?
TOPIC 15 - Vaibhav Bajaj https://reps.mozilla.org/u/vabajaj/
If the person is not in this call, feel free to add your questions here nevertheless!
- What made you decide to run as a Mozilla Reps Council member? What pushed you to do so?
- How do you define an “active Mozilla Rep”? Do you consider yourself as an active one?
- What motivates you to be a Mozilla Rep and a contributor to the project?
- For you, what is your most important contribution to your local Mozilla community? Why so?
TOPIC 16 - Open floor and questions
General questions for our candidates:
- To all candidates: what made you decide to run as a Mozilla Reps Council member? What pushed you to do so?
- To all candidates: how do you define an “active Mozilla Rep”? Do you consider yourself as an active one?
- To all candidates: what motivates you to be a Mozilla Rep and a contributor to the project?
- To all candidates: for you, what is your most important contribution to your local Mozilla community? Why so?
- How can you streamline the ROM and mentor selection process?
- How might you change reporting to better reflect the good work Reps are doing, but also their community members, and especially diverse community members?
NON-VERBAL UPDATES (ie: you can’t attend but want to share something)