The applications for Resources Reps will open in mid August and it will be an open call for every Rep that is meeting the criteria.
TOPIC 5 - Submit your “Reps group picture” for the fb cover! - Srushtika
Please share your picture to get featured on our Facebook cover. Check the following the discourse thread for detail:
Instead of group image (as there are no more Reps except me in the country) does an individual image works? Will it be added in the Reps cover image?
probably ask on the discourse topic
not the cover but will be featured
TOPIC 6 - Open floor and questions
In this section the floor is yours to present in 1 minute a project you are working on and ask other Reps for help and support.
If you can’t make the call, please add your project below and a link with more information and we’ll read it for you during the call.
Hasan - Recognition in Mozilla (how about calling it Open Recognition?)