Hi everyone! This is a first attempt to providing a weekly, asynchronous update on what’s going on in and around Participation. Like I said on the call yesterday, this is an iterative process and I hope that this could turn into something that is really useful over time. The format, level of detail and focus areas depend on your feedback, so please feel very encouraged to tell me if these updates meet your expectations!
As a general reminder, our working documents are all living in the open in the Community Development Team Google Doc Folder. Because we’re very much in the strategic planning phase for a lot of what we do, this folder might be an interesting place to dive into from time to time.
- Reps Council Weekend in Paris
- Participation Team discussions
- Market Pulse soft launch
- Impact teams
- Regional community survey
- What we’ll work on this week
Reps Council Weekend In Paris
Rosana will post an update on this separately!
Participation Team discussions
Right after the Council Weekend, Brian, William, Pierros, Rosana, George and I stayed in Paris for another couple of days to discuss team priorities, review Q1 goals status as well as following up on the very interesting conversations and outcomes of the Council Weekend. Part of this will no doubt feed into Q2 goals planning, too.
Marketpulse Soft Launch
Earlier this month, we soft launched a new participation experiment called Marketpulse. Marketpulse is a joint initiative led by Mozilla’s Participation team and the Fx OS Research Team to help Mozillians easily gather local market data and help the Fx OS team to effectively monitor the reality on the ground and gain in-depth market knowledge. In our efforts to be much more data-driven when we think about how we market and ultimately grow Firefox OS, we decided to launch this experiment which we hope will turn into a full-fledged program soon.
Market data collection is done through a really simple app which you can download on Marketplace. Feel free to reach out to the Marketpulse Team for thoughts, questions or suggestions on how to improve this experiment.
Regional Community Survey
Quick update that the survey hasn’t been launched yet! We’re working on final touches and are looking to roll it out very soon. Brian is on point on that one.
What We’ll Work On This Week
This week there is a lot of focus around identifying opportunities and Participation experiments that we could run in next next few months. A lens through which we’re looking at and prioritizing different opportunities is what could lead to the biggest impact to Mozilla’s headline goals. To take one example, it was really cool to hear that so many on last week’s call were involved in / knew about the One and Done project that was borne out of WebQA. What would it look like to take that to the next level? And who should be involved in that project?
That was a very high-level snapshot of where we’re at and what we’ll do this week. Questions and comments please, happy to clarify any of the above!