In the next few weeks we’re going to be making some big changes to the current Contribute Wiki page to make it a directory for people interested in contributing to Mozilla.
Right now we are going through all of the content on the current wiki page to identify what is out of date and which links and resources should be preserved and moved to a new section of the wiki.
We’ve been gathering all the links and pages in here but we want to make sure we don’t miss anything.
We would love to hear from you! We want to make sure your favorite resources are preserved when we redesign the contribute page so are asking everyone to take a look at the current wiki page: and drop any links and pages that you think should be transferred to the participation page (or another place on the wiki) into this discussion, so that we don’t miss anything.
We will be starting to re-design the wiki page on Friday May 22nd so please send us your links and feedback by then.
If you have any questions you can post them here or reach me directly at
Looking forward to hearing from everyone!