What are the TTS models you know to be faster than Tacotron?

With regards to the German Silero TTS model:


  • easy to install
  • good overall quality
  • about real time interference


  • no handling of numbers, those are just omitted
  • issues with longer sentences, interference just stops (might be related to warning that sentence has more than 140 chars) or is getting worse at the end of longer

Please note the above benchmarks - you can actually get 5 RTS on a CPU, most likely the model just warms up during the first run

As for the problems listed with the model

no handling of numbers, those are just omitted

there is no text normalization middleware packaged with the models
the model just produces audio from text
it was not included by design

issues with longer sentences, interference just stops (might be related to warning that sentence has more than 140 chars) or is getting worse at the end of longer

this is also by design
model accepts sentences and it can work with batches
see these examples

import torch
import torchaudio

language = 'ru'
speaker = 'kseniya_16khz'
device = torch.device('cpu')
model, symbols, sample_rate, example_text, apply_tts = torch.hub.load(repo_or_dir='snakers4/silero-models',
model = model.to(device)  # gpu or cpu

example_text="нав+ерное, существ+уют друг+ие рец+епты, но я их не зн+аю. +или он+и мне не помог+ают. х+очешь моег+о сов+ета - пож+алуйста: сад+ись раб+отать. сл+ава б+огу, так+им л+юдям, как мы с тоб+ой, для раб+оты ничег+о не н+ужно кр+оме бум+аги и карандаш+а."

for i, text in enumerate(example_text.split('. ')):
  audio = apply_tts(texts=[text],
import torch
import torchaudio

language = 'ru'
speaker = 'kseniya_16khz'
device = torch.device('cpu')
model, symbols, sample_rate, example_text, apply_tts = torch.hub.load(repo_or_dir='snakers4/silero-models',
model = model.to(device)  # gpu or cpu

example_text="нав+ерное, существ+уют друг+ие рец+епты, но я их не зн+аю. +или он+и мне не помог+ают. х+очешь моег+о сов+ета - пож+алуйста: сад+ись раб+отать. сл+ава б+огу, так+им л+юдям, как мы с тоб+ой, для раб+оты ничег+о не н+ужно кр+оме бум+аги и карандаш+а."
example_text = example_text.split('. ')

audio = apply_tts(texts=example_text,

FastSpeech and FastSpeech2. Specifically, while FastSpeech2 requires durations, those can be acquired from a forced aligner like MFA. I’ve gotten good results with it, and the RTF (for the previous 44.1KHz model, which I’ve made public) is about 0.083 on my R5 3600. I’ve also found it to be way more resilient against bad datasets, even some that would refuse to align well with Tacotron2 could produce good results.