I am not much of a programmer, and have been using JPM to create an addon. When firefox updated a couple of weeks ago the addon stopped working.
I have tried getting the addon validated for non-public use, and have fixed everything except a trivial missing instal rdf (whatever that might be), but I am completely blocked by the message:
Your add-on failed validation with 1 error.Duplicate add-on ID found
But what is an addon ID? Where do I find it? What is it a duplicate of?
That message can appear for various reasons.
Either the add-on ID is being used by another add-on or the add-on with that ID has been deleted, which causes the ID to get blocked in order to prevent malicious takeover.
What is the add-on ID and what is your AMO account?
I do not think that I have an AMO account because this is not intended to be a publicly available add on. It is just something that a few of us use on our computers, and so I click that box marked: ‘Do not list my add-on on this site’ during validation.
Secondly, I have no idea what is meant by ‘add-on ID’. Is this the xpi file name generated by JPM? I really, really do not know.
Ah, which is essentially what the jpm tool calls ‘name’. So my problem is probably that it is called ‘my-addon’… I should have used another name, but at the time I did not realize that validation would happen.