You can still migrate after Firefox 57–when you update the code, your users will automatically get the new version. In the meantime, there is a function in version 57 on AMO that directs people with legacy extensions to a recommended alternative (and the featured collection, if no alternative has been identified). Once you update, your users will no longer be redirected. Would you mind me asking which add-on you are working on?
Cool, thanks. Is there a particular replacement you want us to redirect users to temporarily, or are you alright with people landing on the featured collection?
There is no good replacement I think, so featured collection would be fine.
But I will search tomorrow if I can find a temp replacement…
Perfect would be if the users of my extension could be informed about the delayed release of my FF-57-compatible version of Textmarker, so that they know they will be able to use it in the near future
You can push an update that shows a notification for users. That would
be the most effective approach. Alternatively, you can change your AMO
description or summary, which are visible in the Add-ons Manager.
@amyt I would like to take both approaches but unfortunately I cannot test a new version anymore using jpm run -b nightly with the new version of Nightly i upgraded to (the xpi is being disabled), and I don’t see any good way to test.
Also, considering that the approval of the last release of my addon took more than 3 months I doubt that publishing a new version with some notification or AMO description update will reach my users in time (before Nov 14th that is).
Right, the SDK is no longer supported. :-/ The review queues, however, are much faster now that we’ve moved to a post-review model for add-ons built with the WebExtensions API. So you should not experience any delays when you update to your WebExtensions version.