When can we publish webext themes?

Complete and lightweight themes are deprecated now. When I try to submit WebExtension theme to addons.mozilla.org I get this error:

Your add-on failed validation with 1 error.
WebExtension theme uploads are currently not supported.

As far as I understand, there is NO way to submit themes now, am I right? When will it be available?

Didn’t find any information in the internet. Developer portal says “this is a way to create webext themes” and “this is a way to publish your extension”, nothing more.

Hi @Anibyl, lightweight themes are still supported. If you’re submitting a graphic with no code, you can do so here: https://addons.mozilla.org/developers/theme/submit

Are you trying to submit a dynamic theme?

Hi @caitlin,
My bad. Yes, you can create lightweight theme using this creator.
However, these theme concepts say that

If you have a lightweight theme it will be converted to this new theme format automatically before lightweight themes are deprecated.

that means that they are about to be deprecated and also

  • it has less functionality comparing to this doc,
  • it has no browser “live” preview.

I tried to create a test theme few minutes ago, it’s on review now, will see tomorrow how it works.

No, I’m not trying to submit dynamic theme, just want to specify exact colors for the elements using new webext themes, as it is described on developers.mozilla.org.
In fact, I put this little project on github. It has more than 2 specified colors.

After disabling complete themes I’m looking for a replace, tried already a lot of submitted lightweight ones, not exactly what I’m looking for.

Wondering when submitting of webext themes will be available.

Unfortunately, we cannot add your Theme to the gallery because of the following reason:
Duplicate Submission

I see. But tab color of that theme is different (coz it is calculated automatically based on background color) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

They’re currently not supported on AMO. We hope to turn on support next quarter, probably around February or March.

It’s July already, nothing changed :frowning:

Sorry about the delays, but this should happen in the next couple of months.