Where did my FF account email address get published?

I created a fresh email adress specifically to create a firefox account. I used that account to create two unlisted addons and to comment in this forum.

Today I received SPAM addressed to this email address that has not been used for anything else other than log into my firefox account.

How could this have happened ?
Is my data not safe with Mozilla ?

Hi @kmq

It seems you put your email address in the field which is intended for your name. In my post you can see “Michael Koch” written next to my user name.


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Yeah I just tried with a new account - it autofills the “Name” field with my email address - that’s not right.

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That’s indeed a strange behavior :thinking:
I don’t remember if it was the same when I created my account.
But anyways this is most likely a thing with Discourse itself (the software that powers this forum) which isn’t developed by Mozilla.

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no it’s default behavior of IAM. I’m also seen it with many user here. I think this should be brought to the developer. because I need to change it manually… like… what…

I have filed a bug here: https://github.com/mozilla/discourse/issues/277

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