Where is the ignore all breakpoint button?

In chrome there’s a disable all breakpoints button that will even ignore hardcoded ‘debugger;’ statements. That seems to be missing in Firefox.

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We don’t have this feature yet, but I hit the same problem a few times. I will file a feature tracking issue so we can prioritize it in the backlog.

Meanwhile blackboxing sources that the debugger should not know about would also work.

(EDIT: thanks to Julian I realized I misread the initial message, so my answer is a bit off. Please disregard :slight_smile: ).

Actually, we have this feature :slight_smile:

Look at the checkbox in the “breakpoints” subpanel’s title row: this is the checkbox to disable/enable all breakpoints. It isn’t indeed at the same location as in the previous debugger. I believe the current location is good, but habits will need to change.