Where to post ideas for add-on writers I can't develop myself

First of all, I have to admit that it took me a lot of effort to get to this forum (https://discourse.mozilla.org). By asking a question on (Where to post Idea's for add-on writers) I got the tip to look here (https://discourse.mozilla.org/c/add-ons/35). There must be enough reasons to set it up this way. I, as a layman, don’t see the logic.

Without help I wouldn’t have ended up here. So thanks for the help.

I am not able to write add-ons myself. Still, I have ideas/wishes for apps that are still to be developed or improved. Perhaps a category could be added here:
Ideas for missing add-ons. It is also possible that something like this already exists and that I have not found it yet despite intensive searching in the add-ons.

The first thing I want to mention is manage bookmark (Ctrl+Shift+O).
I personally think it’s a nuisance. Bookmark commander can do a lot but also not what I want.

Look at the screenshot below.

The blue marked bookmark, where can I find it in the left pane.
I would also like to know the path to this bookmark.
I haven’t found it anywhere yet. I could even imagine that as soon as you click on a bookmark in the screen above, it will jump to the relevant path in the left pane.
I don’t need any more bells and whistles.

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