Who is using DuoLingo?

I recently started using duoling, got a proper internet connection very recently.
I am trying to use it to learn German.
Another language I want to learn is Japanese, which I was unable to find in duolingo.

Please feel free to start a new thread asking people for recommendations on learning Japanese, if you like.

What language are you trying to learn it from? Of course I know of many places to look to learn it from English, but that might not be the language you want to translate back and forth.

My duolingo profile is https://www.duolingo.com/lourcastillo :blush:

Iā€™m trying to learn English, Portuguese, Italian, French and German

I think that having conversation with native speakers is the best choice for those who want to improve their communication skills.

I spent a lot of time looking for conversation partners (with native English speakers), but I couldnā€™t find what I was looking for. Setting up such a system between mozilian would be really helpful.

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I actually have a Vidyo room for people to practice English. I have a plan for a launch party when there is enough interest. In the mean time, Iā€™d be happy to set up some times to have conversations. If I have an accent itā€™s mildly Canadian, but it sounds mostly like what youā€™d hear from American TV.


Looking forward to it :smile:

I would like to practice english :smile:


Started Brazilian Portuguese, Irish, and Swedish. Been spending more time conversing with Brazilians in Portuguese than using Duolingo for it.

Also, no one here will likely recognize my duolingo or discourse photos since theyā€™re missing my red beard.

Iā€™m https://www.duolingo.com/janetpianet

Iā€™m using Duolingo to refresh the French I learned many years ago in school, and to learn some Spanish. (Iā€™m embarrassed that Iā€™ve lived 20+ years in Texas and know very little Spanish.)

I recently started with German ā€“ genders and cases, oh my!

Iā€™m hoping Turkish for English speakers will be available soon. I think thatā€™s the first non-Indo-European language they will have for English speakers.

Hi there,

Nice to know there are other Mozillians using duolingo.

Iā€™m learning Espanol.

My profile: https://www.duolingo.com/lawrencekisuuki

For anyone wanting to learn German, Iā€™m available to help you out! Iā€™m Swiss, so Germans might say that I donā€™t speak German but yeah, we still have German as an official language and not our ā€œSwiss Germanā€ :slight_smile:

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I am http://www.duolingo.com/stephenwan9

Just started a course to learn French.

Sounds like there are enough of us to start a Francais category!

@djug @lourcastillo - When you want to schedule a chat, just start a thread in the English category and let us know when is good for you and what topics youā€™d like to practice talking about (food, movies, questions about grammar).

Added! https://discourse.mozilla-community.org/c/langex/francais

I was also looking for the Japanese language. Although I can already speak it, I wanted to brush up on it since itā€™s been a while since I last actively spoke it. I would have loved to contribute to it though, but I doubt my fluency in the language is high enough :stuck_out_tongue:


Iā€™m currently learning Spanish. And a shout out to @Majken for introducing me to Duolingo :smiley:

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I was fortunate enough to attend a TED talk by Luis von Ahn that took place almost exactly a month before the launch of the beta. He actually mentioned the countdown (ā€œ28 days until the beta launchā€ or some such). So for several months I tried out the beta and then official release. Then I let it slip off my radar. My wife, however, has become an addict, pursuing lingots with a maniacal obsessiveness. I need to get back to it.

In a related vein, I tried, for a while, lernu! which describes itself as ā€œa multilingual website that provides free courses and information on the international language Esperantoā€ and may be of interest to some here.


That sounds interesting. I started another thread about tips for other
learning tools. Do you mind posting there and maybe giving a tiny bit more
information? I am not sure how many people are interested in learning
Esperanto. I also wonder if everyone has heard of it.