Why do our add-on's user reviews keep disappearing?

Over time our add-on has received a number of reviews (maybe a dozen or two), mostly positive, and I get an email notification for each one. However, when I go to look at my Add-On on AMO it always shows only the most recent review with all of the others missing.

Do reviews get wiped every time the add-on is updated? We are in early development so updates occur once every month or two.

The reviews are generally useful feedback from our users like this most recent one, with nothing in it that I can see that would be cause for removal:

A very useful tool. I thought I’ve lost all my tokens when I got hacked, but I was able to recover all of them. They are very genuine and the team are very helpful. You can reach out to them on discord for guidance.

Hey there @dark.florist, can you please send me the link to the listing page for your add-on on AMO? Thank you.

Thank you. I will have to investigate deeper with the review team as comments should not get cleared when new versions are submitted, unless it is a net new submission which I can see is not the case here.