Actually one day ago i submitted my addons new version but it did not review yet. why take so much time for this ?
Hi there the queues got really full this time this year. We’re trying to get through it all. What’s the name of your addon?
please checked this actually it’s surprising add-ons for our varsity mozilla club.
@erosman last time you approved my old version add-ons, can you help now, please?
I have been working on your review for the past few minutes. Please give me a few more and I’ll have your addon squared away for you.
bro, thanks for your helping, actually I wanna give a surprise to my club by this addon, it’s simple things but I hope our club member will be happy to see it
Good … noitidart is sorting it out for you
thank you I wish today I can launch my addon
That would be an awesome surprise! Just approved your addon.
@noitidart , thank you very much brother
I just want to note that one day is not a long waiting time. I submitted an update for one of my add-ons four days ago and it’s still on position 56 in the queue. If there is a time pressure you should submit new versions early enough. Especially between christmas and new year it’s no surprise that there is slower progress.
Yeah it’s pretty slow manpower wise in December, I’m not sure why. I’m trying to do what I can. What’s your addon name cadeyrn?
@cadeyrn please response give response to noitidart
The add-on name is “SubToMe”. But it’s not urgent, I can wait.
I got you brother, almost done.
Thank you!
@noitidart can you please check it? if you get time for that . not urgent
Done brother
thanks thanks @noitidart bro
@noitidart brother if you get time please review my new addons ( Not urgent. last time you give me a review actually i don’t get that. can you tell me again if you can ?