It was a mix of wanting an alternative to lastpass and a wish, to learn how to do this. I pretty much learned how to work in/with coffeescript, grunt, less, mozilla sdk and npm, so I am mostly looking for feedback on what to improve and what I am doing wrong.
Thats real cool man its about time we see some competition to LastPass. Althought LastPass does do a pretty good job
When are you going to upload this to AMO? This is not an xpi so i dont know how to test.
What I like though is that unlike LastPass this is seems local drive only, thats fantastic and something that is needed. LastPass is cloud based.
That’s a one man’s project, I think lastpass is a long way off. But it does work good enough for me at this time.
I forgot to push a couple of hours ago. Now you can get an xpi. I am uploading it when it will be tested by a couple of fellas and I feel confident that major bugs are squashed out.
You should definitely keep up with it. A local solution of LastPass is very needed I think. As at least I don’t trust the cloud Im sure others out there have similiar worries.