This is not about layout, the whole new design is absolutely ugly. Too bright blue everywhere, pretentious fonts and a lot of unused empty space looks awful. But the height of folly is that on single addon’s page the description is on the same blue background as the top menu, which make them totally indistinguishable. Moreover, has anyone ever thought that transparent addon’s icons was never intended to be shown on the dark background?
In our blog post announcing the AMO design refresh, we said the new design would go live with Firefox 48. We didn’t specify the channel Firefox 48 would be in when this happens, so some people thought we meant it would go live when Firefox 48 reaches Nightly (which it did), and others thought it would go live when it reaches the release channel in August. This resulted in a bit of confusion, and we apologize for that. We will try to be more specific in the future.
The purpose of this design refresh is to bridge the gap between a 5-year old design and a complete overhaul of AMO. We intend to use this time to collect feedback and reactions from
you as we work towards a full modernization of the site. We will iterate and improve. If you notice accessibility or any other user interface issues, It would be really helpful if you file them here.
I have no plans to update the add-on to work around this issue. The workaround is to use legacy APIs rather than WebExtensions, in case anyone is interested in creating a fork.