I settled on 3 new options to the open-zwave “options.xml” config file that limit to only ERROR, WARNING & ALERTS log level. The amount of data logged is reasonable.
Tried to locate how the open-zwave addon was EXEC’ed by WT (cli option), but it was not obvious on cursory inspection. There may be a way to pass log level options on the CLI when starting open-zwave rather than messing with the config file.
I’ll submit a ticket against the addon in any case.
Additionally, the LOCATION of the logfile should be provisional too. In my case I mount a USB stick on my Pi at boot to support docker persistence (not writing to the SD card). The open-zwave addon should be able to write to an alternate location (not on the SD card).
File: mozilla-iot\addons\zwave-adapter\openzwave\config\options.xml
<!-- ELE: added loglevel to restrict what's logged. 3 == Errors and higher (very quiet) 5 include Alerts & Warnings too-->
<!-- ELE: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/openzwave-logfile-not-written/41004/8 -->
<!-- ELE: https://github.com/OpenZWave/open-zwave/wiki/Config-Options -->
<Option name="SaveLogLevel" value="5" />
<Option name="QueueLogLevel" value="5" />
<Option name="DumpLogLevel" value="5" />