Welcome to the Common Voice community forum. A space to collaborate, connect with members and engage in the weekly updates. This forum is multilingual, learn more on our readme.
About Common Voice
Common Voice is a publicly available voice dataset, powered by the voices of volunteer contributors around the world, so voice-enabled applications can better understand everyone
About this space
Please use this category for general discussions about the project. We want to hear your thoughts, ideas, and feedback!
You can create a topic using the button called on the category toolbar or by emailing voice@discourse.mozilla.org
Please abide by the Community Participation Guidelines, when using this forum.
Mozilla Voice Community Playbook: The source of truth for setting up and maintain self-sustainable communities.
Useful links
- 📖 Readme: How to see my language on Common Voice
My language is now collecting voice, what do I need to know?
Chat room over Matrix
Printing materials
Guidelines for recording and validation
Fill issues with the app/site over our GitHub Repository
How to use Discourse
- Announcements: Any official messages from the Common Voice Team.
- Feedback - General questions and feedback about the project or site.
- Sentence Collection: Messages about the collection of sentences in different languages.
- Development: Topics about the local deployment and development of the site.
- Issues: Issues or problems.
- L10N: Messages related with the localization and internationalization of the project.
- Dataset: Topics about the released dataset.
Other languages: Español - Deutsch - Italiano - Français - 華語(台灣) - Català - Українська (uk) - Kinyarwanda (rw).
If you would like to add a new language category for Common Voice on discourse please create a new topic titled “Request for CV Discourse [language name] Categories”.