Please RSVP, if you will be attending on Friday, October 10, 2014. We would love to have you be a part of this ongoing process to improve the buddy program. See you there.
Buddy Meeting (10-10-2014)
Hello Everyone,
Just a reminder about the buddy’s meeting Friday, October 10, 2014. Here is the times:
10:00 CST (Central Standard Time)
15:00 UTC/GMT
17:00 CEST (Central Summer European Time)
20:30 IST (Indian Standard Time)
Action Items for next week--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: Buddies Wiki Page Action by: Mentors will need to update their information to the page ( AoA Buddies Group LeadsAction by: Vesper appointed fxmozdeep and rtsayles to be AoA group leads and meet with Madalina regarding changes to AoA---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: Where do we find more Buddies? Moz Reps? Each separate Contribution Area? (we’ll need people to “advertise” Buddies in them)Action By: Vesper to start a thread in Discourse about this---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: Timing of the meetings Action By: Rtsayles to start a thread in Discourse about this / add a doodle for people to vote on times (