While submitting my add-on for Mozilla Signing process , i was getting the error like “Invalid maximum version number”. So to resolve this error i found that "Add-ons submitted to Mozilla Add-ons must have an install.rdf file with at least one of the below applications supported. ".
Now after applying maxVersion = 45.0 in my add-on’s install.rdf file , it is working properly.
But my question is if FireFox version will go to say 46 or above 45.0 then do i need to again apply the max version in to my install.rdf and again i need to upload the add-on in to mozilla for sign in process for add-on verification?
My Add-on is approved already. It is not published to site.
So now i am removing my current add-on and installing the approved add-on by browsing from my local machine.So will it work after mozilla goes to 44 also?
Yes it should. However, you should not delete your add-on. You might want to submit an update with bug fixes or new features at some point which you can’t if you delete your add-on.
1.Approved the add-on from Mozilla ( Preliminarily Reviewed ).
2.Removed my old add-on first from mozilla firefox.
3.Go to settings of Add-on and clicked on Install Add-on From File >> Browse your Downloaded Add-on >> Install >> Restart.
I have couple of questions :
1.After mozilla goes to 44 where add-on must need to verified by mozilla ,will this work?
2.Right now after installing this verified add-on , i am getting bellow
Now i have applied update url also in my add-on.And after installing add-on it was perfect but when i did update and got new add-on from my server and install then again i am getting error as i gave before in screen shot.
Do i need to verify my new version add-on from mozzila every time before push it for the update?