Today’s screenshots at icon-free · Issue #771 · mozilla/multi-account-containers · GitHub showed four extensions that can not function without consuming space. Those shots were somewhat contrived; I began with a clean profile.
Realistically: I forgot that with my everyday profile, I already use at least two more.
Six in this shot:
Shortlist below.
Any others? (I’ll add to the list.)
(Only one of the two icons for Taborama is movable. The other, which overrides containment, is immovable.)
It’s remarkable that all of them are modern (only one, Mozilla’s, is not yet compatible with Firefox 57).
Is there something about WebExtensions APIs that inadvertently over-encourages consumption of space from the location field?
It troubles me that these things are immovable. No overflow …
Three of the originally shortlisted extensions were fixed on the day of this topic, see below.
September 10, 2017, 11:27am
I think these have a page action instead of a browser action. Try right click-ing on them and pin them in the overflow menu.
Try to do the opposite of this
1 Like
Thanks. Previous tests were with release 55.0.3.
I tested seven with 57.0a1. Two of them default to the toolbar:
Navigate Up WE
Search Site WE
The other five are immovable from the location field:
Enable Right Click and Copy
Extension source viewer
Firefox Multi-Account Containers
Page Translator
Taborama (discussion ).
For two extensions that were originally on the shortlist: major updates, to version 2.0, became available a few minutes ago. Neat coincidence!
Both defaulted to the toolbar, instead of the location field:
One of the two, I moved from the toolbar to the menu. (There is a new user preference, Show add-on submenu on context menu , but it does not appear when expected. I’ll write to the developer.)
The other, I removed from the toolbar.
… and another enhancement, another removed from the shortlist. Same-day. Outstanding. Thanks to Rob Wu.
committed 01:36PM - 10 Sep 17 UTC
Attention is drawn to:
– assigned, P1 … work in progress
I imagined that disabling the Firefox Multi-Account Containers extension would allow containers to be used without the visual noise. Eventually I realised:
the noise is not added by the add-on
the noise has become integral to Firefox
– as far as I can tell, it’s simply not possible to use containers without the three-pronged approach.
Firefox containers
… three-pronged …
With two of those three prongs in the address bar, there’s this report on behalf of a user who is colour blind:
… hard to differentiate …
– food for thought and I hope to add something, today, to Bugzilla@Mozilla.
Page Translator