Whew! Simplistic to say the very least, and yet, unlike all my other add-ons, this easy one has me stymied because I cannot find the tools to implement my personal information. What am I missing?
Thanks in advance.
Whew! Simplistic to say the very least, and yet, unlike all my other add-ons, this easy one has me stymied because I cannot find the tools to implement my personal information. What am I missing?
Thanks in advance.
Have you tried contacting the developer about it?
Hi Jorge,
Yes, I have tried to do so. No response at this time. Those 3 add-ons I NEED to replace ASAP may seem minor to some, but they have been a great help, albeit, requisites due to esculating arthritis in my extremities; also, the three now gone, were of much relief and assistance under the circumstances. Insofar as Password Editor, it worked 100% for me, as I had a couple of hundred listed. I have contacted the developer, if only as to how to recover the content to use with a new add-on, if necessary. If I hear from him, possibly he can advise of his future plans. Although as you wrote, some developers had time to get on-board, but have not. Not especially comforting indications.