Previously you used Persona, now you are using this Auth0 service. (Too sad you are moving away from your own free service to some strange third-party…)
Anyway, that’s not the topic here. As you can also see in Authentication issues, this new login experience is crappy. Maybe some users like this OAuth-like method. I don’t.
Apart from the insecurity of this passwordless “email login”, it is just cumbersome. Having a password manager you have two clicks to login to any site – except this one. Either you are forced to use OAuth, tusting a third-party and using a completely unrelated OAuth provider with it (Google, GitHub). Or, you use the mail login, where you have to wait and click on a mail everytime you just wanna login for a second…
For me everything else than a old, stupid password sign in is cumbersome and really annoying. And most people should use a password manager. If you don’t you are doing something wrong anyway…
Thanks to your transition away from Persona, your new auth mechanism, which I first tried with the mail login, which I thought would maybe prompt me for a password later and then using another auth mechanism, I now have three or more accounts here…
A usual password login as always would have prevented this and everything would have been fine… But no, you had to use this Auth0 thing…
And, BTW: You should never need a FAQ about how to login into a website! That must be easy… And a password login is easy.
In any case, at least, please (also) allow the usual password login. Auth0 is a downgrade and a horrible user experience for me, for some users it may be different, so you can keep offering it as one way to use this forum, but I still want my usual login method, where I don’t have to tinker with this Auth0 thing.